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Filters: Author is Ernst Steinkellner  [Clear All Filters]
Templeman D, Steinkellner E.  1997.  Buddhaguptanātha: A Late Indian siddha in Tibet. Tibetan Studies II: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995, Volume II. :955-965.
Heller A, Steinkellner E.  1997.  Buddhist Images and Rock Inscriptions from Eastern Tibet, VIIIth to Xth Century, Part IV. Tibetan Studies, Volume 1: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz, 1995. :385-403.
Brauen M, Hassler P, Steinkellner E.  1997.  Computer Aided 3D-Animation of the Kālacakra Maṇḍala. Tibetan Studies, Volume 1: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz, 1995. :77-81.
van Beek M, Steinkellner E.  1997.  Contested Classifications of People in Ladakh: An Analysis of the Census of Jammu and Kashmir 1873-1941. Tibetan Studies, Volume 1: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz, 1995. :35-49.
Pathak N, Steinkellner E.  1997.  Continuity and Change in Education amongst Immigrant Tibetans in India. Tibetan Studies II: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995, Volume II. :745-750.
Kostka R, Krämer W, Steinkellner E.  1997.  Contributions to the Cartography of the Tibetan Himalaya. Tibetan Studies, Volume 1: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz, 1995. :543-549.
Tiso FV, Steinkellner E.  1997.  The Death of Milarepa: Towards a Redaktionsgeschichte of the Mila rnam thar Traditions. Tibetan Studies II: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995, Volume II. :987-997.
Blondeau A-M, Steinkellner E.  1997.  Défense de Tsong kha pa: à propos d'un texte polémique attribué à mKhas grub rje. Tibetan Studies, Volume 1: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz, 1995. :59-76.
Thar T, Steinkellner E.  1997.  The Dralag Monastery and its Tribes. Tibetan Studies II: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995, Volume II. :981-985.
Fukuda Y, Steinkellner E.  1997.  Extended Wylie Method of the Transcription of Tibetan Characters and the Database Project of Asian Languages in the Toyo Bunko. Tibetan Studies, Volume 1: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz, 1995. :293-97.
Shastri L, Steinkellner E.  1997.  The Fire Dragon chos 'khor (1076 AD). Tibetan Studies II: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995, Volume II. :873-882.
Maurer P, Steinkellner E.  1997.  A First Survey of Tibetan Hippology and Hippiatry. Tibetan Studies II: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995, Volume II. :613-618.
Bray J, Steinkellner E.  1997.  French Catholic Missions and the Politics of China and Tibet 1846-1865. Tibetan Studies, Volume 1: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz, 1995. :83-95.
Skilling P, Steinkellner E.  1997.  From bKa' bstan bcos to bKa' 'gyur and bsTan 'gyur. Transmission of the Tibetan Canon: Papers Presented at a Panel of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995. :87-111.
Schrempf M, Steinkellner E.  1997.  From 'Devil Dance' to 'World Healing': Some Representations, Perspectives and Innovations of Contemporary Tibetan Ritual Dances. Tibetan Culture in the Diaspora: Papers Presented at a Panel of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz, 1995. :91-102.
Kapstein M, Steinkellner E.  1997.  From Kun-mkhyen Dol-po-pa to 'Ba'-mda' dGe-legs: Three Jo-nang-pa Masters on the Interpretation of the Prajñapāramitā. Tibetan Studies, Volume 1: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz, 1995. :457-475.
Song L, Steinkellner E.  1997.  General Huang Musong's Mission to Lhasa and the Sino-Tibetan Negotiations in 1934. Tibetan Studies II: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995, Volume II. :903-916.
Huber T, Steinkellner E.  1997.  Green Tibetans: A Brief Social History. Tibetan Culture in the Diaspora: Papers Presented at a Panel of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz, 1995. :103-119.
Wangdu P, Steinkellner E.  1997.  Gsar du rnyed pa'i khrom chen rdo ring yi ge'i mtsham sbyor. Tibetan Studies II: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995, Volume II. :733-743.
Muroji YG, Steinkellner E.  1997.  Guṇamati's Version of the PSĀVN. Tibetan Studies II: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995, Volume II. :647-656.
Childs G, Steinkellner E.  1997.  Householder Lamas and the Persistence of Tradition: Animal Sacrifice in Himalayan Buddhist Communities. Tibetan Studies, Volume 1: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz, 1995. :141-155.
Namai CMamoru, Steinkellner E.  1997.  On bodhicittabhāvanā in the Esoteric Buddhist Tradition. Tibetan Studies II: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995, Volume II. :657-668.
Kelényi B, Steinkellner E.  1997.  On the Iconographic and Stylistic Problems of a Fourteenth-Century Type Thanka. Tibetan Studies, Volume 1: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz, 1995. :487-494.
Fanwen L, Steinkellner E.  1997.  The Influence of Tibetan Buddhism on Xixia. Tibetan Studies II: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995, Volume II. :559-572.
Alexander A, Brannan A, Steinkellner E.  1997.  Inner City of Lhasa 1948-1995 and the Lhasa Historic City Archives Project. Tibetan Studies, Volume 1: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz, 1995. :1-5.


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