Explore Sera Monastery Project Sources:Collections Sera Monastery Project Sources in this collection The list below includes sources from this Collection’s Subcollections. Displaying 51 - 99 of 99 Pages Page of 2 Rinpoche P. 1999. Liberation in Our Hands. Chandra L. 1981. Materials for a History of Tibetan Literature. Gyatso L. 1998. Memoirs of a Tibetan Lama. Petech L, Richardson H. 1958. Mk'yen brtse's Guide to the Holy Places of Central Tibet. Onoda S. 1992. Monastic Debate in Tibet: A Study of the History and Structures of bsDus drwa Logic. Losang RKhyongla N, Campbell J. 1977. My Life and Lives: The Story of a Tibetan Incarnation. de Nebesky-Wojkowitz R. 1956. Oracles and Demons of Tibet: The Cult and Iconography of the Tibetan Protective Deities. Klein A. 1994. Path to the Middle: Oral Madhyamika Philosophy in Tibet. Rapgyé P. 2004. phur lcog rigs gsum byang chub gling gi byung ba mdo tsam brjod pa dad gsum 'dren pa'i lcags kyu/. Bod ljongs nang bstan. (1):55-70. Dreyfus G. 1997. Recognizing Reality: Dharmakīrti's Philosophy and Its Tibetan Interpretations. Banks M, Morphy H. 1997. Rethinking Visual Anthropology. Püntsok T. 1998. rgyun mgo'i cho ga phyag len sna tshogs/. Tsültrim CGeshé Lop. 1971. rje thams cad mkhyen pa tsong kha pa chen po'i rnam thar go sla bar brjod pa bde legs kun kyi byung gnas/. The Collected Works (gsung 'bum) of Cha-har Dge-bshes Blo-zang-tshul khrims. 2 Chömpel DKünzang. 1996. rnam grol rtsangs rdo dmar ba'i gdung rabs lo rgyus deb ther padma ra ga'i/. Anonymous. 2001. Sacred Ground: Jamgon Kongtrul on "Pilgrimage and Sacred Geography". Cabezon JIgnacio. 1998. Scholasticism: Cross Cultural and Comparative Perspectives. Lodrö J. 1983. se ra dgon pa dang /_de phyag 'debs pa po byams chen chos rje'i byung ba mdo tsam gleng ba/. Bod ljongs zhig 'jug. (3):79ff.. Drakpa SGeshé Nga. 2006. se ra dgon pa'i gnas bshad dang rje byams chen chos rje'i rnam thar kun las btus pa 'khrul bral rab gsal me long /. Trinlé DLopzang, Rinchen T. 1995. se ra theg chen gling /. Namgyel LTrinlé. 1997. se ra'i nye 'khor gyi gnas ri ri khrod 'ga' zhig gi ngo sprod mdor bsdus/. Bod ljongs nang bstan. (2):30-34. Münsel. 1996. se ra'i rta mgrin yang gsang gi sku'i yon tan cha shas tsam brjod pa dad pa'i 'jug ngogs/. Bod ljongs nang bstan. (1):55-65. Harris C, Shakya T. 2003. Seeing Lhasa: British Depictions of the Tibetan Capital 1936-1947. Könchok JLopzang. 1999. ser byes gdan rab zla ba nor bu'i me long /. Künkhyen L. 1995. ser dgon phur pa'i lo rgyus rags tsam brjod pa/. Spang rgyam me tog. (3):39-42. Anonymous. 1998. ser smad grwa tshang gi bstan srung gtso bo mgon dkar dang/_lcam sring/_tha 'og/_bya khri bcas kyi gtor chog bskang gso bstod bskul cha lag dang bcas pa/. Wangchuk SPomra Gesh. 1984. ser smad thos bsam nor gling grwa tshang gi chos 'byung lo rgyus nor bu'i phreng ba/. Rinchen T. 1995. Sera Thekchen Ling. Ahmad ZÄ«ruddÄ«n. 1970. Sino-Tibetan Relations in the Seventeenth Century. Klimburg-Salter D. 1998. Tabo, a Lamp for the Kingdom: Early Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Art in the Western Himalayas. Taranatha, Chattopadhyaya D. 1980. Tāranātha's History of Buddhism in India. Gyeltsen SSonam. 1996. The Clear Mirror: A Traditional Account of Tibet's Golden Age. Huber T. 1999. The Cult of Pure Crystal Mountain: Popular Pilgrimage and Visionary Landscape in Southeast Tibet. Beyer S. 1973. The Cult of Tārā: Magic and Ritual in Tibet. Wylie TV. 1962. The Geography of Tibet According to the 'Dzam-gling-rgyas-bshad. pa Tkha, Newland Cand. 2001. The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment. Cabezon JIgnacio. 2006. The Hermitages of Sera. Tibetan and Himalayan Library (www.thlib.org). Rabten G. 1980. The Life and Teaching of Geshé Rabten: A Tibetan Lama's Search for Truth. Anonymous. 1985. The Life of Milarepa. Rinpoche JYeshe Dorj, rje</span>) JYeshe Dorj. 1991. The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism: Its Fundamentals and History. Karmay SGyaltsen. 1988. The Secret Visions of the Fifth Dalai Lama: The Gold Manuscript in the Fournier Collection. Dreyfus G. 2003. The Sound of Two Hands Clapping: The Education of a Tibetan Buddhist Monk. Anonymous. 1999. The Special Recitation Texts of Ser byes mkhas snyan College. Tsering T. 1997. The Struggle for Modern Tibet: The Autobiography of Tashi Tsering. Bechert H, Gombrich R. 1984. The World of Buddhism: Buddhist Monks and Nuns in Society and Culture. Smith G. 0. Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center. Das SChandra. 1976. Tibetan-Sanskrit Dictionary. Gyatso PJampa. 0. tshad ma'i gzhung don 'byed pa'i bsdus grwa rnam par bshad pa rigs lam 'phrul gyi lde mig las rigs lam chung bar tags rigs kyi skor/. Thurman RAF, Rhie MM. 1991. Wisdom and Compassion: The Sacred Art of Tibet. Anonymous. 0. yul nyer bzhi'i ya rgyal/_de bi ko ti dang ming gzhan pha bong kha byang chub shing gi nags khrod du bkod pa'i dkar chag dad ldan padmo rgyas byed gzi sbyin 'od stong 'bar ba'i nor bu/. :454-532. Pages Page of 2 Owner Veronica Kuhn Accessibility This collection is Public - accessible to all site users Subcollections This collection has no subcollections. Members Veronica Kuhn
Sources in this collection The list below includes sources from this Collection’s Subcollections. Displaying 51 - 99 of 99 Pages Page of 2 Rinpoche P. 1999. Liberation in Our Hands. Chandra L. 1981. Materials for a History of Tibetan Literature. Gyatso L. 1998. Memoirs of a Tibetan Lama. Petech L, Richardson H. 1958. Mk'yen brtse's Guide to the Holy Places of Central Tibet. Onoda S. 1992. Monastic Debate in Tibet: A Study of the History and Structures of bsDus drwa Logic. Losang RKhyongla N, Campbell J. 1977. My Life and Lives: The Story of a Tibetan Incarnation. de Nebesky-Wojkowitz R. 1956. Oracles and Demons of Tibet: The Cult and Iconography of the Tibetan Protective Deities. Klein A. 1994. Path to the Middle: Oral Madhyamika Philosophy in Tibet. Rapgyé P. 2004. phur lcog rigs gsum byang chub gling gi byung ba mdo tsam brjod pa dad gsum 'dren pa'i lcags kyu/. Bod ljongs nang bstan. (1):55-70. Dreyfus G. 1997. Recognizing Reality: Dharmakīrti's Philosophy and Its Tibetan Interpretations. Banks M, Morphy H. 1997. Rethinking Visual Anthropology. Püntsok T. 1998. rgyun mgo'i cho ga phyag len sna tshogs/. Tsültrim CGeshé Lop. 1971. rje thams cad mkhyen pa tsong kha pa chen po'i rnam thar go sla bar brjod pa bde legs kun kyi byung gnas/. The Collected Works (gsung 'bum) of Cha-har Dge-bshes Blo-zang-tshul khrims. 2 Chömpel DKünzang. 1996. rnam grol rtsangs rdo dmar ba'i gdung rabs lo rgyus deb ther padma ra ga'i/. Anonymous. 2001. Sacred Ground: Jamgon Kongtrul on "Pilgrimage and Sacred Geography". Cabezon JIgnacio. 1998. Scholasticism: Cross Cultural and Comparative Perspectives. Lodrö J. 1983. se ra dgon pa dang /_de phyag 'debs pa po byams chen chos rje'i byung ba mdo tsam gleng ba/. Bod ljongs zhig 'jug. (3):79ff.. Drakpa SGeshé Nga. 2006. se ra dgon pa'i gnas bshad dang rje byams chen chos rje'i rnam thar kun las btus pa 'khrul bral rab gsal me long /. Trinlé DLopzang, Rinchen T. 1995. se ra theg chen gling /. Namgyel LTrinlé. 1997. se ra'i nye 'khor gyi gnas ri ri khrod 'ga' zhig gi ngo sprod mdor bsdus/. Bod ljongs nang bstan. (2):30-34. Münsel. 1996. se ra'i rta mgrin yang gsang gi sku'i yon tan cha shas tsam brjod pa dad pa'i 'jug ngogs/. Bod ljongs nang bstan. (1):55-65. Harris C, Shakya T. 2003. Seeing Lhasa: British Depictions of the Tibetan Capital 1936-1947. Könchok JLopzang. 1999. ser byes gdan rab zla ba nor bu'i me long /. Künkhyen L. 1995. ser dgon phur pa'i lo rgyus rags tsam brjod pa/. Spang rgyam me tog. (3):39-42. Anonymous. 1998. ser smad grwa tshang gi bstan srung gtso bo mgon dkar dang/_lcam sring/_tha 'og/_bya khri bcas kyi gtor chog bskang gso bstod bskul cha lag dang bcas pa/. Wangchuk SPomra Gesh. 1984. ser smad thos bsam nor gling grwa tshang gi chos 'byung lo rgyus nor bu'i phreng ba/. Rinchen T. 1995. Sera Thekchen Ling. Ahmad ZÄ«ruddÄ«n. 1970. Sino-Tibetan Relations in the Seventeenth Century. Klimburg-Salter D. 1998. Tabo, a Lamp for the Kingdom: Early Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Art in the Western Himalayas. Taranatha, Chattopadhyaya D. 1980. Tāranātha's History of Buddhism in India. Gyeltsen SSonam. 1996. The Clear Mirror: A Traditional Account of Tibet's Golden Age. Huber T. 1999. The Cult of Pure Crystal Mountain: Popular Pilgrimage and Visionary Landscape in Southeast Tibet. Beyer S. 1973. The Cult of Tārā: Magic and Ritual in Tibet. Wylie TV. 1962. The Geography of Tibet According to the 'Dzam-gling-rgyas-bshad. pa Tkha, Newland Cand. 2001. The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment. Cabezon JIgnacio. 2006. The Hermitages of Sera. Tibetan and Himalayan Library (www.thlib.org). Rabten G. 1980. The Life and Teaching of Geshé Rabten: A Tibetan Lama's Search for Truth. Anonymous. 1985. The Life of Milarepa. Rinpoche JYeshe Dorj, rje</span>) JYeshe Dorj. 1991. The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism: Its Fundamentals and History. Karmay SGyaltsen. 1988. The Secret Visions of the Fifth Dalai Lama: The Gold Manuscript in the Fournier Collection. Dreyfus G. 2003. The Sound of Two Hands Clapping: The Education of a Tibetan Buddhist Monk. Anonymous. 1999. The Special Recitation Texts of Ser byes mkhas snyan College. Tsering T. 1997. The Struggle for Modern Tibet: The Autobiography of Tashi Tsering. Bechert H, Gombrich R. 1984. The World of Buddhism: Buddhist Monks and Nuns in Society and Culture. Smith G. 0. Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center. Das SChandra. 1976. Tibetan-Sanskrit Dictionary. Gyatso PJampa. 0. tshad ma'i gzhung don 'byed pa'i bsdus grwa rnam par bshad pa rigs lam 'phrul gyi lde mig las rigs lam chung bar tags rigs kyi skor/. Thurman RAF, Rhie MM. 1991. Wisdom and Compassion: The Sacred Art of Tibet. Anonymous. 0. yul nyer bzhi'i ya rgyal/_de bi ko ti dang ming gzhan pha bong kha byang chub shing gi nags khrod du bkod pa'i dkar chag dad ldan padmo rgyas byed gzi sbyin 'od stong 'bar ba'i nor bu/. :454-532. Pages Page of 2 Owner Veronica Kuhn Accessibility This collection is Public - accessible to all site users Subcollections This collection has no subcollections. Members Veronica Kuhn