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Buddhist Contemplation

This category has 374 sources.

Wallace B.A.  1999.  The Dialectic Between Religious Belief and Contemplative Knowledge in Tibetan Buddhism. Buddhist Theology: Critical Reflections by Contemporary Buddhist Scholars. 7:203.
Chiesa A, Malinowski P.  2011.  Mindfulness-based approaches: are they all the same? Journal of Clinical Psychology. 67(4):404–424.
Garfield JL.  2013.  Mindfulness and Ethics: Attention, Virtue and Perfection. Thai International Journal of Buddhist Studies. (3):1-24.
Jarrell HR.  1985.  International meditation bibliography, 1950-1982. ATLA bibliography series. :432.
Sharf RH.  2000.  The rhetoric of experience and the study of religion. Journal of Consciousness Studies. 7(11-12):267-287.


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