Explore Environmental Context Sources:Environmental Context Environmental ContextThis category has 17 sources. Garces-Foley K. 0. Buddhism, Hospice, and the American Way of Dying. Review of Religious Research. 44(4):341-353. Emavardhana T, Tori CD. 0. Changes in Self-Concept, Ego Defense Mechanisms, and Religiosity Following Seven-Day Vipassana Meditation Retreats. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 36(2):194-206. Pigni A. 0. A First-Person Account of Using Mindfulness as a Therapeutic Tool in the Palestinian Territories. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 19(2):152-156. Adkins AD. 0. Being present in the face of existential threat: the role of trait mindfulness in reducing defensive responses to mortality salience.(PERSONALITY PROCESSES AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES)(Report). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 99(2):344-365. Gauntlett-Gilbert J, Singh AN. 0. Fear, psychological acceptance, job demands and employee work engagement: An integrative moderated meditation model. Personality and Individual Differences. Vol.52(8):893-5. Analayo. 0. Loving-kindness in the treatment of traumatized refugees and minority groups: a typology of mindfulness and the nodal network model of affect and affect regulation.. Journal of Clinical Psychology, August, 2013, Vol.69(8), p.817(12). 69(8):817-829. Kunsang EPema. 2006. Mindfulness meditation and substance use in an incarcerated population.. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 20(3):343-347. Carmody J. 2009. Evolving Conceptions of Mindfulness in Clinical Settings. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy. 23(3):270-280. Freshman C, Hayes AM, Feldman GC. 2002. Adapting Meditation to Promote Negotiation Success: A Guide to Varieties and Scientific Support. Harvard Negotiation Law Review. 7:67. Taylor EW. 2005. Mindfulness in Hospice Care: Practicing Meditation-in-Action. Qualitative Health Research. 15(10):1329-1344. Pages Page of 2
Environmental ContextThis category has 17 sources. Garces-Foley K. 0. Buddhism, Hospice, and the American Way of Dying. Review of Religious Research. 44(4):341-353. Emavardhana T, Tori CD. 0. Changes in Self-Concept, Ego Defense Mechanisms, and Religiosity Following Seven-Day Vipassana Meditation Retreats. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 36(2):194-206. Pigni A. 0. A First-Person Account of Using Mindfulness as a Therapeutic Tool in the Palestinian Territories. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 19(2):152-156. Adkins AD. 0. Being present in the face of existential threat: the role of trait mindfulness in reducing defensive responses to mortality salience.(PERSONALITY PROCESSES AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES)(Report). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 99(2):344-365. Gauntlett-Gilbert J, Singh AN. 0. Fear, psychological acceptance, job demands and employee work engagement: An integrative moderated meditation model. Personality and Individual Differences. Vol.52(8):893-5. Analayo. 0. Loving-kindness in the treatment of traumatized refugees and minority groups: a typology of mindfulness and the nodal network model of affect and affect regulation.. Journal of Clinical Psychology, August, 2013, Vol.69(8), p.817(12). 69(8):817-829. Kunsang EPema. 2006. Mindfulness meditation and substance use in an incarcerated population.. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 20(3):343-347. Carmody J. 2009. Evolving Conceptions of Mindfulness in Clinical Settings. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy. 23(3):270-280. Freshman C, Hayes AM, Feldman GC. 2002. Adapting Meditation to Promote Negotiation Success: A Guide to Varieties and Scientific Support. Harvard Negotiation Law Review. 7:67. Taylor EW. 2005. Mindfulness in Hospice Care: Practicing Meditation-in-Action. Qualitative Health Research. 15(10):1329-1344. Pages Page of 2