Explore Generation phase (utpattikrama, kyerim) Sources:Generation phase (utpattikrama, kyerim) Generation phase (utpattikrama, kyerim)This category has 43 sources. Mullin GH. 2006. The Dalai Lamas on tantra. Kozhevnikov M, Louchakova O, Josipovic Z, Motes MA. 0. The Enhancement of Visuospatial Processing Efficiency Through Buddhist Deity Meditation. Psychological Science. 20(5):645-653. Berzin A. 0. Basic Features of Tantra. Gyatso J. 0. Healing Burns with Fire: The Facilitations of Experience in Tibetan Buddhism. Journal of the American Academy of Religion. 67(1):113-147. Sopa GLhundub, Jackson RR, Newman J, Simon BLee. 1991. The wheel of time : the Kalachakra in context. Wedemeyer CK. 2013. Making sense of Tantric Buddhism: history, semiology, and transgression in the Indian traditions. mtsho DLama XIVB. 1999. Kālachakra tantra: rite of initiation: for the stage of generation: a commentary on the text of Kay-drup-ge-lek-bel-sang-bo. Lopez DS, Gyatso J. 1997. An Avalokitesvara Sadhana. :266-270. Arnold EA. 2009. As long as space endures: essays on the Kālacakra tantra in honor of H.H. the Dalai Lama. McDougall G. 2012. Tantra. Pages Page of 5
Generation phase (utpattikrama, kyerim)This category has 43 sources. Mullin GH. 2006. The Dalai Lamas on tantra. Kozhevnikov M, Louchakova O, Josipovic Z, Motes MA. 0. The Enhancement of Visuospatial Processing Efficiency Through Buddhist Deity Meditation. Psychological Science. 20(5):645-653. Berzin A. 0. Basic Features of Tantra. Gyatso J. 0. Healing Burns with Fire: The Facilitations of Experience in Tibetan Buddhism. Journal of the American Academy of Religion. 67(1):113-147. Sopa GLhundub, Jackson RR, Newman J, Simon BLee. 1991. The wheel of time : the Kalachakra in context. Wedemeyer CK. 2013. Making sense of Tantric Buddhism: history, semiology, and transgression in the Indian traditions. mtsho DLama XIVB. 1999. Kālachakra tantra: rite of initiation: for the stage of generation: a commentary on the text of Kay-drup-ge-lek-bel-sang-bo. Lopez DS, Gyatso J. 1997. An Avalokitesvara Sadhana. :266-270. Arnold EA. 2009. As long as space endures: essays on the Kālacakra tantra in honor of H.H. the Dalai Lama. McDougall G. 2012. Tantra. Pages Page of 5