Explore Great Seal (Mahamudra, Chakchen) Sources:Great Seal (Mahamudra, Chakchen) Great Seal (Mahamudra, Chakchen)This category has 26 sources. [Anonymous]. 2007. The treasury of knowledge: book eight, part four: esoteric instructions: a detailed presentation of the process of meditation in Vajrayāna. [Anonymous]. 2002. Phyag chen sngon 'gro'i khrid yig nges sgron me. :13. Jackson R. 2011. Mahāmudrā: Natural Mind in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism. Religion Compass. 5(7):286–299. Gyaltshen KKonchog, Barth P. 2010. Drikung Kagyu Mahamudra Teachings. mtsho DLama XIVB. 1997. The Gelug/Kagyü tradition of Mahamudra. Bentor Y. 2000. The Tibetan Practice of the Mantra Path According to Lce-sgom-pa. :326-346. Thrangu, Roberts PAlan. 2004. An ocean of the ultimate meaning: teachings on Mahamudra: a commentary on Wangchuk Dorje's Ngedön Gyamtso. :206. Kapstein MT. 2000. King Kuñji's Banquet. :52-71. Mathes K-D. 2006. Blending the Sūtras with the Tantras: The Influence of Maitrīpa and his Circle on the Formation of Sūtra Mahāmudrā in the Kagyu Schools. :201–227. Guenther HV. 1975. Mahamudra: The Method of Self Actualization. Tibet Journal. 1(1):5-23. Pages Page of 3
Great Seal (Mahamudra, Chakchen)This category has 26 sources. [Anonymous]. 2007. The treasury of knowledge: book eight, part four: esoteric instructions: a detailed presentation of the process of meditation in Vajrayāna. [Anonymous]. 2002. Phyag chen sngon 'gro'i khrid yig nges sgron me. :13. Jackson R. 2011. Mahāmudrā: Natural Mind in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism. Religion Compass. 5(7):286–299. Gyaltshen KKonchog, Barth P. 2010. Drikung Kagyu Mahamudra Teachings. mtsho DLama XIVB. 1997. The Gelug/Kagyü tradition of Mahamudra. Bentor Y. 2000. The Tibetan Practice of the Mantra Path According to Lce-sgom-pa. :326-346. Thrangu, Roberts PAlan. 2004. An ocean of the ultimate meaning: teachings on Mahamudra: a commentary on Wangchuk Dorje's Ngedön Gyamtso. :206. Kapstein MT. 2000. King Kuñji's Banquet. :52-71. Mathes K-D. 2006. Blending the Sūtras with the Tantras: The Influence of Maitrīpa and his Circle on the Formation of Sūtra Mahāmudrā in the Kagyu Schools. :201–227. Guenther HV. 1975. Mahamudra: The Method of Self Actualization. Tibet Journal. 1(1):5-23. Pages Page of 3