Explore Literature of Buddhist Contemplation Sources:Literature of Buddhist Contemplation Literature of Buddhist ContemplationThis category has 63 sources. White DGordon, Jackson RR. 2012. Saraha's Queen Dohās. :162-184. Kongtrul J. 2012. The hundred tertons: a garland of beryl brief accounts of profound terma andthe siddhas who have revealed it. Willson M. 1993. Cittamani Tārā: An Extended Sādhana. Pages Page of 7
Literature of Buddhist ContemplationThis category has 63 sources. White DGordon, Jackson RR. 2012. Saraha's Queen Dohās. :162-184. Kongtrul J. 2012. The hundred tertons: a garland of beryl brief accounts of profound terma andthe siddhas who have revealed it. Willson M. 1993. Cittamani Tārā: An Extended Sādhana. Pages Page of 7