Explore Neuroscience and Contemplation Sources:Neuroscience and Contemplation Neuroscience and ContemplationThis category has 197 sources. Goleman DJ, Schwartz GE. 1976. Meditation as an intervention in stress reactivity.. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 44(3):456-466. Farb NAS, Anderson AK, Mayberg H, Bean J, McKeon D, Segal ZV. 2010. Minding one’s emotions: Mindfulness training alters the neural expression of sadness.. Emotion. 10(1):25-33. Lou HC, Kjaer TW, Friberg L, Wildschiodtz G, Nowak M. 1999. A15O-H2O PET study of meditation and the resting state of normal consciousness. Human Brain Mapping. 7(2):98-105. Mohandas E.. 2008. Neurobiology of Spirituality. Mens Sana Monographs. 6(1):63-80. Cohen M.S, Kosslyn S.M, Breiter H.C, DiGirolamo G.J, Thompson W.L, Anderson A.K, Bookheimer S.Y, Rosen B.R, Belliveau J.W. 1996. Changes in cortical activity during mental rotation A mapping study using functional MRI. Brain. 119(1):89-100. Swanson E, Goleman D. 2007. The joy of living : unlocking the secret and science of happiness. Davidson RJ, Goleman DJ, Schwartz GE. 1976. Attentional and affective concomitants of meditation: A cross-sectional study.. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 85(2):235-238. Pages Page of 20
Neuroscience and ContemplationThis category has 197 sources. Goleman DJ, Schwartz GE. 1976. Meditation as an intervention in stress reactivity.. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 44(3):456-466. Farb NAS, Anderson AK, Mayberg H, Bean J, McKeon D, Segal ZV. 2010. Minding one’s emotions: Mindfulness training alters the neural expression of sadness.. Emotion. 10(1):25-33. Lou HC, Kjaer TW, Friberg L, Wildschiodtz G, Nowak M. 1999. A15O-H2O PET study of meditation and the resting state of normal consciousness. Human Brain Mapping. 7(2):98-105. Mohandas E.. 2008. Neurobiology of Spirituality. Mens Sana Monographs. 6(1):63-80. Cohen M.S, Kosslyn S.M, Breiter H.C, DiGirolamo G.J, Thompson W.L, Anderson A.K, Bookheimer S.Y, Rosen B.R, Belliveau J.W. 1996. Changes in cortical activity during mental rotation A mapping study using functional MRI. Brain. 119(1):89-100. Swanson E, Goleman D. 2007. The joy of living : unlocking the secret and science of happiness. Davidson RJ, Goleman DJ, Schwartz GE. 1976. Attentional and affective concomitants of meditation: A cross-sectional study.. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 85(2):235-238. Pages Page of 20