Explore Pediatrics and Contemplation Sources:Pediatrics and Contemplation Pediatrics and ContemplationThis category has 11 sources. Zelazo PDavid, Lyons KE. 2012. The Potential Benefits of Mindfulness Training in Early Childhood: A Developmental Social Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective. Child Development Perspectives. 6(2):154–160. Galantino MLou, Galbavy R, Quinn L. 0. Therapeutic Effects of Yoga for Children: A Systematic Review of the Literature:. Pediatric Physical Therapy. 20(1):66-80. Mj O. 0. Mindfulness meditation in pediatric clinical practice.. Pediatric nursing. 28(5):487-490. Sibinga EMS, Kemper KJ. 0. Complementary, Holistic, and Integrative Medicine: Meditation Practices for Pediatric Health. Pediatrics in Review. 31(12):e91-e103. Thygeson MV, Hooke MC, Clapsaddle J, Robbins A, Moquist K. 0. Peaceful Play Yoga: Serenity and Balance for Children With Cancer and Their Parents. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. 27(5):276-284. Smith MScott, Womack WM. 0. Stress Management Techniques in Childhood and Adolescence Relaxation Training, Meditation, Hypnosis, and Biofeedback: Appropriate Clinical Applications. Clinical Pediatrics. 26(11):581-585. Rosenblatt LE, Gorantla S, Torres JA, Yarmush RS, Rao S, Park ER, Denninger JW, Benson H, Fricchione GL, Bernstein B et al.. 2011. Relaxation response-based yoga improves functioning in young children with autism: a pilot study. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.). 17(11):1029-1035. Piver S. 2012. The Mindful Way Through Pregnancy: Meditation, Yoga, and Journaling for Expectant Mothers. :138. Birdee GS, Yeh GY, Wayne PM, Phillips RS, Davis RB, Gardiner P. 2009. Clinical Applications of Yoga for the Pediatric Population: A Systematic Review. Academic pediatrics. 9(4):212-220.e1-9. Kuttner L, Chambers CT, Hardial J, Israel DM, Jacobson K, Evans K. 2006. A randomized trial of yoga for adolescents with irritable bowel syndrome. Pain Research & Management : The Journal of the Canadian Pain Society. 11(4):217-224. Pages Page of 2
Pediatrics and ContemplationThis category has 11 sources. Zelazo PDavid, Lyons KE. 2012. The Potential Benefits of Mindfulness Training in Early Childhood: A Developmental Social Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective. Child Development Perspectives. 6(2):154–160. Galantino MLou, Galbavy R, Quinn L. 0. Therapeutic Effects of Yoga for Children: A Systematic Review of the Literature:. Pediatric Physical Therapy. 20(1):66-80. Mj O. 0. Mindfulness meditation in pediatric clinical practice.. Pediatric nursing. 28(5):487-490. Sibinga EMS, Kemper KJ. 0. Complementary, Holistic, and Integrative Medicine: Meditation Practices for Pediatric Health. Pediatrics in Review. 31(12):e91-e103. Thygeson MV, Hooke MC, Clapsaddle J, Robbins A, Moquist K. 0. Peaceful Play Yoga: Serenity and Balance for Children With Cancer and Their Parents. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. 27(5):276-284. Smith MScott, Womack WM. 0. Stress Management Techniques in Childhood and Adolescence Relaxation Training, Meditation, Hypnosis, and Biofeedback: Appropriate Clinical Applications. Clinical Pediatrics. 26(11):581-585. Rosenblatt LE, Gorantla S, Torres JA, Yarmush RS, Rao S, Park ER, Denninger JW, Benson H, Fricchione GL, Bernstein B et al.. 2011. Relaxation response-based yoga improves functioning in young children with autism: a pilot study. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.). 17(11):1029-1035. Piver S. 2012. The Mindful Way Through Pregnancy: Meditation, Yoga, and Journaling for Expectant Mothers. :138. Birdee GS, Yeh GY, Wayne PM, Phillips RS, Davis RB, Gardiner P. 2009. Clinical Applications of Yoga for the Pediatric Population: A Systematic Review. Academic pediatrics. 9(4):212-220.e1-9. Kuttner L, Chambers CT, Hardial J, Israel DM, Jacobson K, Evans K. 2006. A randomized trial of yoga for adolescents with irritable bowel syndrome. Pain Research & Management : The Journal of the Canadian Pain Society. 11(4):217-224. Pages Page of 2