Explore Philosophy and Contemplation Sources:Philosophy and Contemplation Philosophy and ContemplationThis category has 20 sources. Garfield JL. 2013. Mindfulness and Ethics: Attention, Virtue and Perfection. Thai International Journal of Buddhist Studies. (3):1-24. Depraz N, Varela FJ, Vermersch P.. 2003. On becoming aware: a pragmatics of experiencing. Codiga DA. 2002. Reflections on the Potential Growth of Mindfulness Meditation in the Law. Harvard Negotiation Law Review. 7:109. Hall SS. 2010. Wisdom: from philosophy to neuroscience. :333. McGhee M. 0. In Praise of Mindfulness. Religious Studies. 24(1):65-89. Halton E. 0. Mind Matters. Symbolic Interaction. 31(2):119-141. Nakamura H. 0. The Goal of Meditation. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies. 13(1):63-79. Martin R, Barresi J. 2006. The rise and fall of soul and self: an intellectual history of personal identity. :383. Gazzaniga MS. 2011. Who's in charge?: free will and the science of the brain Gifford lectures. :260. Hauser MD. 2006. Moral minds: how nature designed our universal sense of right and wrong. :489. Pages Page of 2
Philosophy and ContemplationThis category has 20 sources. Garfield JL. 2013. Mindfulness and Ethics: Attention, Virtue and Perfection. Thai International Journal of Buddhist Studies. (3):1-24. Depraz N, Varela FJ, Vermersch P.. 2003. On becoming aware: a pragmatics of experiencing. Codiga DA. 2002. Reflections on the Potential Growth of Mindfulness Meditation in the Law. Harvard Negotiation Law Review. 7:109. Hall SS. 2010. Wisdom: from philosophy to neuroscience. :333. McGhee M. 0. In Praise of Mindfulness. Religious Studies. 24(1):65-89. Halton E. 0. Mind Matters. Symbolic Interaction. 31(2):119-141. Nakamura H. 0. The Goal of Meditation. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies. 13(1):63-79. Martin R, Barresi J. 2006. The rise and fall of soul and self: an intellectual history of personal identity. :383. Gazzaniga MS. 2011. Who's in charge?: free will and the science of the brain Gifford lectures. :260. Hauser MD. 2006. Moral minds: how nature designed our universal sense of right and wrong. :489. Pages Page of 2