Explore Philosophy of Mind Sources:Philosophy of Mind Philosophy of MindThis category has 4 sources. Halton E. 0. Mind Matters. Symbolic Interaction. 31(2):119-141. Gallagher S, Shear J.. 1999. Models of the self. :524. Bickle J. 2013. The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Neuroscience. :635. Schumacher E.FErnst F. 1977. A guide for the perplexed.
Philosophy of MindThis category has 4 sources. Halton E. 0. Mind Matters. Symbolic Interaction. 31(2):119-141. Gallagher S, Shear J.. 1999. Models of the self. :524. Bickle J. 2013. The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Neuroscience. :635. Schumacher E.FErnst F. 1977. A guide for the perplexed.