Explore Psychiatry and Contemplation Sources:Psychiatry and Contemplation Psychiatry and ContemplationThis category has 95 sources. Bays JChozen, Kabat-Zinn J. 2009. Mindful eating: a guide to rediscovering a healthy and joyful relationship with food. :175. Germer CK, Siegel RD. 2012. Wisdom and compassion in psychotherapy : deepening mindfulness in clinical practice. Johnson RA. 1986. Inner work: using dreams and active imagination for personal growth. :221. Brooks RB, Goldstein S. 2004. The power of resilience: achieving balance, confidence, and personal strength in your life. :320. Lyubomirsky S. 2008. The how of happiness: a scientific approach to getting the life you want. :366. Pages Page of 10
Psychiatry and ContemplationThis category has 95 sources. Bays JChozen, Kabat-Zinn J. 2009. Mindful eating: a guide to rediscovering a healthy and joyful relationship with food. :175. Germer CK, Siegel RD. 2012. Wisdom and compassion in psychotherapy : deepening mindfulness in clinical practice. Johnson RA. 1986. Inner work: using dreams and active imagination for personal growth. :221. Brooks RB, Goldstein S. 2004. The power of resilience: achieving balance, confidence, and personal strength in your life. :320. Lyubomirsky S. 2008. The how of happiness: a scientific approach to getting the life you want. :366. Pages Page of 10