Explore Psychoanalysis Sources:Psychoanalysis PsychoanalysisThis category has 12 sources. Harrison JR. 0. Analytic Meditative Therapy as the Inverse of Symbol Formation and Reification. Journal of Religion and Health. 45(1):73-92. Auchincloss EL, Samberg E. 0. Psychoanalytic terms & concepts. :341. Kirsch T, Hogenson GB. 0. The Red Book: reflections on C.G. Jung's liber novus. Jung CGustav. 2011. The undiscovered self: with symbols and the interpretation of dreams. Bollingen series. Jung C.G, Jung C.G. 1969. The structure and dynamics of the psyche. Bollingen series. :597. Fromm E. 1968. L'Art d'aimer (The art of loving). Jung C.G, Chodorow J, Jung C.G. 1997. Jung on active imagination. Encountering Jung. :198. Jung CGustav. 2010. Answer to job. Bollingen series. Jung C.G. 1978. Psychology and the East. Bollingen series. :211. Jung C.G, McGuire W, Shamdasani S, Jung C.G. 2012. Introduction to Jungian psychology: notes of the seminar on analytical psychology given in 1925. Philemon series. Pages Page of 2
PsychoanalysisThis category has 12 sources. Harrison JR. 0. Analytic Meditative Therapy as the Inverse of Symbol Formation and Reification. Journal of Religion and Health. 45(1):73-92. Auchincloss EL, Samberg E. 0. Psychoanalytic terms & concepts. :341. Kirsch T, Hogenson GB. 0. The Red Book: reflections on C.G. Jung's liber novus. Jung CGustav. 2011. The undiscovered self: with symbols and the interpretation of dreams. Bollingen series. Jung C.G, Jung C.G. 1969. The structure and dynamics of the psyche. Bollingen series. :597. Fromm E. 1968. L'Art d'aimer (The art of loving). Jung C.G, Chodorow J, Jung C.G. 1997. Jung on active imagination. Encountering Jung. :198. Jung CGustav. 2010. Answer to job. Bollingen series. Jung C.G. 1978. Psychology and the East. Bollingen series. :211. Jung C.G, McGuire W, Shamdasani S, Jung C.G. 2012. Introduction to Jungian psychology: notes of the seminar on analytical psychology given in 1925. Philemon series. Pages Page of 2