Explore Psychology and Contemplation Sources:Psychology and Contemplation Psychology and ContemplationThis category has 249 sources. Duncan J. 2010. How intelligence happens. :244. Kahneman D. 2013. Thinking, fast and slow. :499. Schwartz J, Gladding R. 2011. You are not your brain: the 4-step solution for changing bad habits, ending unhealthy thinking, and taking control of your life. :362. Manjunath N.K, Telles S.. 2004. Spatial and verbal memory tests scores following yoga and fine arts camps for school children. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 48(3):353-356. Jung C.G, Jaffé A. 1989. Memories, dreams, reflections. :430. Perry EK. 2010. New Horizons in the Neuroscience of Consciousness. :361. Broad WJ. 2012. The science of yoga: the risks and the rewards. Lykins ELB, Baer RA. 2009. Psychological Functioning in a Sample of Long-Term Practitioners of Mindfulness Meditation. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy. 23(3):226-241. Miller LJ. 2012. The Oxford handbook of psychology and spirituality. Oxford library of psychology. :634. Britton WB, Bootzin RR, Cousins JC, Hasler BP, Peck T, Shapiro SL. 2010. The Contribution of Mindfulness Practice to a Multicomponent Behavioral Sleep Intervention Following Substance Abuse Treatment in Adolescents: A Treatment-Development Study. Substance Abuse. 31(2):86-97. Pages Page of 25
Psychology and ContemplationThis category has 249 sources. Duncan J. 2010. How intelligence happens. :244. Kahneman D. 2013. Thinking, fast and slow. :499. Schwartz J, Gladding R. 2011. You are not your brain: the 4-step solution for changing bad habits, ending unhealthy thinking, and taking control of your life. :362. Manjunath N.K, Telles S.. 2004. Spatial and verbal memory tests scores following yoga and fine arts camps for school children. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 48(3):353-356. Jung C.G, Jaffé A. 1989. Memories, dreams, reflections. :430. Perry EK. 2010. New Horizons in the Neuroscience of Consciousness. :361. Broad WJ. 2012. The science of yoga: the risks and the rewards. Lykins ELB, Baer RA. 2009. Psychological Functioning in a Sample of Long-Term Practitioners of Mindfulness Meditation. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy. 23(3):226-241. Miller LJ. 2012. The Oxford handbook of psychology and spirituality. Oxford library of psychology. :634. Britton WB, Bootzin RR, Cousins JC, Hasler BP, Peck T, Shapiro SL. 2010. The Contribution of Mindfulness Practice to a Multicomponent Behavioral Sleep Intervention Following Substance Abuse Treatment in Adolescents: A Treatment-Development Study. Substance Abuse. 31(2):86-97. Pages Page of 25