Explore Psychotherapy and Contemplation Sources:Psychotherapy and Contemplation Psychotherapy and ContemplationThis category has 80 sources. Teasdale JD, Moore RG, Hayhurst H, Pope M, Williams S, Segal ZV. 2002. Metacognitive awareness and prevention of relapse in depression: Empirical evidence.. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 70(2):275-287. Lord SA. 2012. Meditative dialogue: tuning in to the music of family therapy. Journal of Family Therapy. :n/a–n/a. Didonna F. 2009. Clinical handbook of mindfulness. Shapiro SL. 2009. The art and science of mindfulness: integrating mindfulness into psychology and the helping professions. Lilly M., Hedlund J.. 2010. Yoga therapy in practice: Healing childhood sexual abuse with yoga. International Journal of Yoga Therapy. 20:120-130. Davis DM, Hayes JA. 2011. What are the benefits of mindfulness? A practice review of psychotherapy-related research Psychotherapy. 48(2):198-208. S. Ma H, Teasdale JD. 2004. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression: Replication and Exploration of Differential Relapse Prevention Effects.. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 72(1):31-40. Walsh R, Shapiro SL. 2006. The meeting of meditative disciplines and western psychology: A mutually enriching dialogue. American Psychologist. 61(3):227-239. Hayes L, Bach PA, Boyd CP. 2010. Psychological Treatment for Adolescent Depression: Perspectives on the Past, Present, and Future. Behaviour Change. 27(01):1-18. Segal ZV, J. Williams MG, Teasdale JD. 2002. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depression : a new approach to preventing relapse. Pages Page of 8
Psychotherapy and ContemplationThis category has 80 sources. Teasdale JD, Moore RG, Hayhurst H, Pope M, Williams S, Segal ZV. 2002. Metacognitive awareness and prevention of relapse in depression: Empirical evidence.. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 70(2):275-287. Lord SA. 2012. Meditative dialogue: tuning in to the music of family therapy. Journal of Family Therapy. :n/a–n/a. Didonna F. 2009. Clinical handbook of mindfulness. Shapiro SL. 2009. The art and science of mindfulness: integrating mindfulness into psychology and the helping professions. Lilly M., Hedlund J.. 2010. Yoga therapy in practice: Healing childhood sexual abuse with yoga. International Journal of Yoga Therapy. 20:120-130. Davis DM, Hayes JA. 2011. What are the benefits of mindfulness? A practice review of psychotherapy-related research Psychotherapy. 48(2):198-208. S. Ma H, Teasdale JD. 2004. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression: Replication and Exploration of Differential Relapse Prevention Effects.. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 72(1):31-40. Walsh R, Shapiro SL. 2006. The meeting of meditative disciplines and western psychology: A mutually enriching dialogue. American Psychologist. 61(3):227-239. Hayes L, Bach PA, Boyd CP. 2010. Psychological Treatment for Adolescent Depression: Perspectives on the Past, Present, and Future. Behaviour Change. 27(01):1-18. Segal ZV, J. Williams MG, Teasdale JD. 2002. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depression : a new approach to preventing relapse. Pages Page of 8