Explore Self-Help Sources:Self-Help Self-HelpThis category has 17 sources. Schwartz J, Gladding R. 2011. You are not your brain: the 4-step solution for changing bad habits, ending unhealthy thinking, and taking control of your life. :362. Gawler I. 2010. Meditation: an in-depth guide. :388. Parks T. 2011. Teach us to sit still: a skeptic's search for health and healing. :322. Carrington P. 1998. The book of meditation : the complete guide to modern meditation. Johnson RA. 1986. Inner work: using dreams and active imagination for personal growth. :221. Brooks RB, Goldstein S. 2004. The power of resilience: achieving balance, confidence, and personal strength in your life. :320. Lyubomirsky S. 2008. The how of happiness: a scientific approach to getting the life you want. :366. Pages Page of 2
Self-HelpThis category has 17 sources. Schwartz J, Gladding R. 2011. You are not your brain: the 4-step solution for changing bad habits, ending unhealthy thinking, and taking control of your life. :362. Gawler I. 2010. Meditation: an in-depth guide. :388. Parks T. 2011. Teach us to sit still: a skeptic's search for health and healing. :322. Carrington P. 1998. The book of meditation : the complete guide to modern meditation. Johnson RA. 1986. Inner work: using dreams and active imagination for personal growth. :221. Brooks RB, Goldstein S. 2004. The power of resilience: achieving balance, confidence, and personal strength in your life. :320. Lyubomirsky S. 2008. The how of happiness: a scientific approach to getting the life you want. :366. Pages Page of 2