Explore Teaching Contemplation to Youth Sources:Teaching Contemplation to Youth Teaching Contemplation to YouthThis category has 13 sources. MacLean KLee. 0. Peaceful Piggy Meditation. :40. Hanh TNhat, Nghiem CChau. 0. Planting Seeds: Practicing Mindfulness with Children. :240. Harper JCohen. 0. Teaching Yoga in Urban Elementary Schools. International Journal of Yoga Therapy. 1(-1):99-109. Christie E. 2008. Coming home : a guide to teaching Christian meditation to children. Solis S, Sumner M. 2007. The treasure in your heart : stories and yoga for peaceful children. McKinnon P. 2002. Let's be still stillness meditation for children and adolescents. Scheihing TO'Callagha. 1981. Our treasured heritage : teaching Christian meditation to children. Sherwood C, Marschani A. 2008. Making friends with ourselves : introducing children to meditation : a colouring workbook. Wood S. 2005. Children, meditation, and growth : teaching meditation to children using the satya method. Pearson M. 2004. Emotional healing and self-esteem : inner-life skills of relaxation, visualisation and meditation for children and adolescents. Pages Page of 2
Teaching Contemplation to YouthThis category has 13 sources. MacLean KLee. 0. Peaceful Piggy Meditation. :40. Hanh TNhat, Nghiem CChau. 0. Planting Seeds: Practicing Mindfulness with Children. :240. Harper JCohen. 0. Teaching Yoga in Urban Elementary Schools. International Journal of Yoga Therapy. 1(-1):99-109. Christie E. 2008. Coming home : a guide to teaching Christian meditation to children. Solis S, Sumner M. 2007. The treasure in your heart : stories and yoga for peaceful children. McKinnon P. 2002. Let's be still stillness meditation for children and adolescents. Scheihing TO'Callagha. 1981. Our treasured heritage : teaching Christian meditation to children. Sherwood C, Marschani A. 2008. Making friends with ourselves : introducing children to meditation : a colouring workbook. Wood S. 2005. Children, meditation, and growth : teaching meditation to children using the satya method. Pearson M. 2004. Emotional healing and self-esteem : inner-life skills of relaxation, visualisation and meditation for children and adolescents. Pages Page of 2