This is the second issue of the Journal of the Tibet Society, published in 1982. Edited by Christopher I. Beckwith, the issue features articles by Michael M. Broido, Helmut Eimer, Dan Martin, and Elliot Sperling. (Ben Deitle 2005-12-16)
<a href="" target="_blank">Does Tibetan Hermeneutics Throw Any Light on Sandhābhāṣa</a> / Michael M. Broido -- <a href="" target="_blank">The Development of the Biographical Tradition Concerning Atiśa (Dīpaṃkaraśrījñāna)</a> / Helmut Eimer -- <a href="" target="_blank">The Early Education of Milarepa</a> / Dan Martin -- <a href="" target="_blank">The 1413 Ming Embassy to Tsong-kha-pa and the Arrival of Byams-chen Chos-rje Shākya Ye-shes at the Ming Court</a> / Elliot Sperling -- <a href="" target="_blank">Review of M Aris, <i>Views of Medieval Bhutan</i></a> / Françoise Pommaret-Imaeda -- <a href="" target="_blank">Review of E. Bernbaum, <i>The Way to Shambhala</i></a> / Nathan Katz -- <a href="" target="_blank">Review of A. Chand, <i>Tibet: Past and Present</i></a> / János Szerb -- <a href="" target="_blank">Review of Kelsang Gyatso, <i>Meaningful to Behold</i></a> / Nathan Katz.