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Khams pa Histories: Visions of People, Place and Authority. PIATS 2000: Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the Ninth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Leiden 2000
Format: Conference Proceedings
Publication Date: 200200/2002
Publisher: Brill
Place of Publication: Leiden; Boston; Köln
Sources ID: 128311
Visibility: Public (group default)
Abstract: (Show)

Publisher's Description: As an indispensable introduction to local history of the Khams region of Eastern Tibet/Western China (with due attention for contemporary thinking about frontier regions), this volume contains seven papers on Khams pa (Eastern Tibet) local history, representing politics, and agency and their historiographical representations on the Khams frontiers.

The articles have been arranged to reflect common themes. Wim van Spengen, William Coleman and Peng Wenbin locate Khams in a broader political history, exploring the fluidity of the frontier and its turbulent dislocations, as Khampas encountered and responded to Tibetan and Chinese national projects in the early part of the twentieth century. Fabienne Jagou and Carole McGranahan shift their gaze to individual figures and their engagement with Chinese and Tibetan social politics. Peter Schwieger’s analysis of history as oral narrative positions Khams in relation to Central Tibet, as does the subject of Tsering Thar’s paper, which concerns the influence of a Bonpo lama in religious innovation.