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Westby C, Robinson L.  2014.  A Developmental Perspective for Promoting Theory of Mind. Topics in Language Disorders. 34(4)
Engen HG, Singer T.  2016.  Affect and Motivation Are Critical in Constructive Meditation. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 20(3):159-160.
Roberts W.A..  2001.  Animal Cognition. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. :500-505.
Sapolsky R.M.  2013.  Another Use for Literature. Los Angeles Times.
Engström M, Söderfeldt B.  2010.  Brain Activation During Compassion Meditation: A Case Study. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 16(5):597-599.
Times TNew York.  2013.  Can You Read People’s Emotions? The New York Times.
Johnson DR, Huffman BL, Jasper DM.  2014.  Changing Race Boundary Perception by Reading Narrative Fiction. Basic and Applied Social Psychology. 36(1):83-90.
Fuster JM.  2015.  Chapter 5 - Human Neuropsychology. The Prefrontal Cortex (Fifth Edition). :183-235.
Geary DC.  2015.  Chapter 5 - Sexual Selection and Human Vulnerability. Evolution of Vulnerability. :153-182.
Taylor M.  1996.  Chapter 9 - A Theory of Mind Perspective on Social Cognitive Development. Perceptual and Cognitive Development. :283-329.
Flobbe L, Verbrugge R, Hendriks P, Krämer I.  2008.  Children’s Application of Theory of Mind in Reasoning and Language. Journal of Logic, Language and Information. 17(4):417-442.
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Proft M, Schünemann B, Rakoczy H.  2019.  Children’s understanding of the aspectuality of intentions. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 181:17-33.
Zunshine L..  2012.  Culture of Greedy Mind Readers. The Huffington Post.
Nagel T..  2011.  David Brooks’s Theory of Human Nature. The New York Times.
Schaafsma SM, Pfaff DW, Spunt RP, Adolphs R.  2015.  Deconstructing and reconstructing theory of mind. Trends in cognitive sciences. 19(2):65-72.
Cicchetti D., Cohen D.J.  2006.  Developmental Psychopathology, Theory and Method. Wiley Series on Personality Processes. 1:1104.
Premack D, Woodruff G.  1978.  Does the chimpanzee have a theory of mind? Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 1(4):515-526.


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