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四川省甘孜州第三次人口普查资料汇编 (Sichuan Sheng Ganzi Zhou di 3 ci ren kou pu cha zi liao hui bian)
Format: Book
Publication Date: 198401/1984
Publisher: 四川省甘孜州人口普查办公室 (Sichuan Sheng Ganzi Zhou ren kou pu cha ban gong shi)
Sources ID: 125731
Visibility: Public (group default)
Abstract: (Show)

A census report for Ganzi Prefecture in Sichuan Province, China. The book gives statistics for each county and commune/township on total number of households, total population, male/female population, percent male/female population, male/femal ratio, average yearly population, births (total, male, and female), deaths (total, male, female, and % of population), net population growth, and rate of natural growth. (Michael Ryan and Ben Deitle 2009-07-07)

26 cm.