This gazetteer (zhi) of Dege (Tib. sde dge) county has chapters concerning history, government, natural environment, economy, industry, business, agriculture, herding, forestry, infrastructure, military affairs, communications, education, health, culture, and so forth. (Ben Deitle 2009-07-15)
[Translated from Chinese] Overview -- Chronicle of Events -- 1: Establishment and Development [of the County] -- 2: Natural Geography -- 3: Population -- 4: Balanced Economy -- 5: Farming and Husbandry -- 6: Forestry -- 7: Industry, Transportation, and City and Township Construction -- 8: Commerce -- 9: Banking -- 10: Wealth Tax -- 11: Post & Telecommunications -- 12: Party Political Groups -- 13: Political Power, Chinese People's Political Consultative Committee (CPPCC) -- 14: Military Affairs -- 15: Administration of Justice -- 16: Civil Administration, Labor and Personnel Affairs -- 17: Education -- 18: Health -- 19: Culture and Sports -- 20: Sutra Publishing House -- 21: Land Administration -- 22: Tibetan Buddhism -- 23: Customs -- 24: People -- 25: Appendix.