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Altruistic Helping in Human Infants and Young Chimpanzees
Format: Journal Article
Publication Date: 2006/03/03/
Pages: 1301 - 1303
Sources ID: 48151
Collection: Altruism
Visibility: Public (group default)
Abstract: (Show)
Human beings routinely help others to achieve their goals, even when the helper receives no immediate benefit and the person helped is a stranger. Such altruistic behaviors (toward non-kin) are extremely rare evolutionarily, with some theorists even proposing that they are uniquely human. Here we show that human children as young as 18 months of age (prelinguistic or just-linguistic) quite readily help others to achieve their goals in a variety of different situations. This requires both an understanding of others' goals and an altruistic motivation to help. In addition, we demonstrate similar though less robust skills and motivations in three young chimpanzees.Toddlers can recognize that an adult needs help with a task and assist, indicating empathy and altruism; young chimpanzees do the same, but less effectively. Toddlers can recognize that an adult needs help with a task and assist, indicating empathy and altruism; young chimpanzees do the same, but less effectively.