[Decipherment and annotation of a manuscript of Tibetan medicine in Dunhuang scroll (Part II)-on prescription]
Zhonghua Yi Shi Za Zhi (Beijing, China: 1980)
Short Title:
Zhonghua Yi Shi Za Zhi
Journal Article
Publication Date:
238 - 242
Sources ID:
Himalayan and Tibetan Medicine
Public (group default)
A manuscript of Tibetan medicine, P. t.1054, written on 4 pattra-leaf-like rectangular papers connected together, is collected in the Volume 10 of Dunhuang Tibetan Manuscripts Preserved in France Scroll. The contents on the front pages of the whole set is on pulse-taking of Tibetan medicine, and the back pages, on prescriptions containing 5 recipes of cathartics and medicinal oils, are included in 16 lines on the remained Scroll dealing with its ingredients, processing method, function and indications which can be differentiated into 5 units. There are altogether 30 drugs applied, including plants, animals and mineral. Among them, almost half are transliterated from foreign languages, and some of them are titled with India, Han region, etc. for distinguishing its producing area and breeds. It is preliminarily probative that this whole Scroll is translated-edited from certain part of an Indian formulary.