Development and initial standardization of Ayurveda child personality inventory
Journal of Ayurveda and integrative medicine
Short Title:
J.Ayurveda Integr.Med.
Journal Article
Publication Date:
Nov 30, 2013
205 - 208
Sources ID:
LR: 20170220; JID: 101551404; OTO: NOTNLM; 2013/10/11 00:00 [received]; 2013/12/18 00:00 [revised]; 2013/12/24 00:00 [accepted]; 2015/01/28 06:00 [entrez]; 2015/01/28 06:00 [pubmed]; 2015/01/28 06:01 [medline]; ppublish
Yoga-Based Medical Interventions
Public (group default)
BACKGROUND: Ayurveda inventories for prakriti (constitution) have been developed and validated for adults. Children, however, require different categories of quarter and questions, for example, to assess the intelligence, the questions can be related to their scholastic performances. OBJECTIVE: To develop and standardize an inventory to assess the prakriti of the children, and to compare with Child Personality Questionnaire (CPQ). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A 135-item Ayurveda child personality inventory (ACPI) scale was developed on the basis of translation of Sanskrit verses describing vataja (A), pittaja (B), and kaphaja prakriti (C) characteristics and by taking the opinions of experts (ten Ayurveda experts and three psychologists). Study was carried out in Maxwell public school, Bangalore. The scale was administered on parents of children of the age group 6-12 years. CPQ was administered on children of the age group 8-12 years. RESULTS: The ACPI was associated with excellent internal consistency. The Cronbach's alpha for A, B, and C scales were 0.77, 0.55, and 0.84, respectively, and the Split-half reliability scores were and 0.84, respectively. Factor validity coefficient scores on each items was above 0.5. Scores on vataja, pittaja and kaphaja scales were inversely correlated. Items of V, P, and K scales showed significant correlation (values ranging from 0.39 to 0.84) with subscales of CPQ, which indicates that Eastern and Western psychology concept have good correspondence. CONCLUSIONS: The prakrti of the children can be measured consistently by this instrument. Scores on V and P scale showed good correlation with the anxiety primary scale of CPQ.