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Dharmapala Thangka Centre.
Format: Book
Publication Year: n.d.
Publisher: Dharmapala Thangka Centre.
Place of Publication: Germany
Sources ID: 101176
Visibility: Public (group default)
Abstract: (Show)
Dharmapala Thangka Centre in Kathmandu, Nepal is an Institute for this traditional style of Tibetan painting under the guidance of Karsang Lama. The site offers information on the Centre, photos of painters in action, a listing of the Centre's exhibitions, information on the differences between amateaur and professionally made thankas including side-by-side photographs of different thankas and a gallery of 291 thankas of various subjects and themes. The site also has extensive information and articles on Tibetan iconography in the areas such as mudras, background colors, explanation of a thanka's meaning, etc. The site also offers information and articles on Tibetan medicine and a summary with photos of all 77 medical thankas. Also available is a photo journal of a thanka being created (which is updated every few weeks), information on the steps taken in the creation of a thanka, information on Sherpa paintings and on other Tibetan ritual objects with photos. There is also information available for ordering thankas.