Effect of yoga training on maze learning
Indian journal of physiology and pharmacology
Short Title:
Indian J.Physiol.Pharmacol.
Journal Article
Publication Date:
Nov 30, 1999
197 - 201
Sources ID:
LR: 20041117; JID: 0374707; 2000/06/10 09:00 [pubmed]; 2000/09/23 11:01 [medline]; 2000/06/10 09:00 [entrez]; ppublish
Yoga-Based Medical Interventions
Public (group default)
The performance in a maze learning task was assessed in adults of either sex (n = 31) before and after 30 days of yoga training and in an age and gender matched control group of subjects who did not receive training in yoga. Subjects were blind folded and used the dominant hand to trace the path in a wooden pencil maze. At each assessment, subjects were given 5 trials, without a gap between them. Performance was based on the time taken to complete the maze and the number of blind alleys taken. The time and error scores of Trial 1 were significantly less after yoga (two-factor ANOVA, Tukey test). Repeating trials significantly decreased time scores at Trial 5 versus Trial 1, for both groups on Day 1 and for the control group on Day 30. Hence the yoga group showed improved performance in maze tracing at retest 30 days later, which may be related to this group being faster learners and also the effect of yoga itself. Yoga training did not influence maze learning, based on the performance in 5 repeat trials.