[Effects of traditional tibetan medicine, Fructus Lonicerae microphyllae on phagecytosis and cytokines production of murine macrophages]
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi = Zhongguo Zhongyao Zazhi = China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica
Short Title:
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi
Journal Article
Publication Date:
145 - 148
Sources ID:
Himalayan and Tibetan Medicine
Public (group default)
OBJECTIVE: To explore the effects of traditional Tibetan medicine, Fructus Lonicerae microphyllae (FLM) on phagecytosis and cytokines production of murine macrophages.METHOD: The phagecytosis of murine macrophages was analyzed by neutral red phagecytosis assay. The activities of IL-1 and TNF-alpha were measured by biological methods. The mRNA of TNF-alpha and INF-gamma expressed by macrophages was detected by RT-PCR.
RESULT: The phagecytosis of murine macrophages was significantly enhanced by FLM at a concentration from 1 microg x mL(-1) to 100 microg x mL(-1) and the secretions of IL-1, and TNF-alpha from macrophages were markedly induced by FLM. Meanwhile, FLM also increased the expression of TNF-alpha mRNA and INF-gamma mRHA from macrophages in vitro.
CONCLUSION: FLM could promote phagecytosis and cytokines production of murine macrophages.