An Exploratory Study of Radical Mindfulness Training with Severely Economically Disadvantaged People: Findings of a Canadian Study
Australian Social Work
Journal Article
Publication Date:
Nov 30, 2009
281 - 298
Sources ID:
Mindfulness, Diversity, and Social Justice
Public (group default)
This article describes a two-phased research project that piloted a modified mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) intervention developed specifically for a severely economically disadvantaged population. The terms severely economically disadvantaged (SED) and “severely marginalised” were used to describe the participants who experience socioeconomic disadvantage and social isolation as well as significant medical, psychological, physical, and learning challenges. Phase one of the project consisted of community focus groups to determine what types of mindfulness-based interventions would most benefit this population. Based on this feedback, the first author developed a modified MBSR intervention he called radical mindfulness training (or RMT). Phase two was a pilot study of RMT with 11 SED participants who accessed services at a local community health centre; eight participants completed the program, and seven of the participants completed Self Compassion and Satisfaction with Life scales and qualitative interviews. Results revealed an overall mean increase in self compassion and satisfaction with life after completing the program. Qualitative findings provided further evidence of the nature of the participants' perceived effectiveness of this program. The authors conclude that the findings from his limited exploratory study substantiate the need for further study of the RMT program.