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Himalayan Research Bulletin (HRB)
Format: Journal
Publication Year: n.d.
Publisher: Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies
Sources ID: 125688
Visibility: Public (group default)
Abstract: (Show)

Formerly published under the title Himalayan Research Bulletin, this is an interdisciplinary and international journal of scholarly information regarding Nepal and adjacent Himalayan areas including North India, Pakistan, and Bhutan. The journal was formerly known as the Nepal Studies Association Bulletin. Himalaya has two central functions: to review scholarship, research, and other information of interest to members and other Himalayanists; and, to promote understanding and appreciation of the region through the publication and support of original research and other important work. It serves the needs of a diverse group of subscribers in the United States and more than twenty other countries; Himalaya (HRB) is included in the collections of fifty major libraries in the U.S., Asia, and Europe. The bulletin has developed from a mimeographed newsletter into its present form--as the major international journal for the region--through the efforts of its volunteer editors, the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies (ANHS) Council, and members who provide much of the material for each issue. Himalaya appreciates the opportunity to review articles, book reviews, research reports, and photographs for possible publication, and the ANHS welcomes tax-deductible contributions to sustain and expand its outreach efforts.

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Print media (print or manuscript, including PDFs)
Frequency of Publication: 
Himalaya (Himalayan Research Bulletin)