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Hypnotic Relaxation and Yoga to Improve Sleep and School Functioning
International Journal of School & Educational Psychology
Format: Journal Article
Publication Date: Nov 30, 2015
Pages: 43 - 51
Sources ID: 60701
Visibility: Public (group default)
Abstract: (Show)
Sleep insufficiency, defined as inadequate sleep duration, poor sleep quality, and daytime sleepiness, has been linked with students' learning and behavioral outcomes at school. However, there is limited research on interventions designed to improve the sleep of school-age children. In order to promote more interest on this critical topic, we examine yoga and hypnosis as two approaches that can improve multiple aspects of sleep. Some studies have shown the benefits of hypnotic relaxation on school performance, but no controlled studies have examined sleep as an outcome in school children. The studies on school-based yoga are currently inconclusive, with effects ranging from positive to negative. Some replicated studies of yoga show modest effects on mood, but none of the published yoga studies measured sleep outcomes. Given the importance of sleep on school functioning, there is an urgent need to study the effects of hypnosis and yoga, or other promising interventions, on sleep and student performance. Examples of promising practices for improving sleep and school-related issues are provided.