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Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, Issue 4
Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies
Format: Journal
Publication Date: 2008-12
Publisher: Tibetan and Himalayan Library
Sources ID: 125703
Visibility: Public (group default)
Abstract: (Show)

This is the fourth issue of the Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, edited by Ken Bauer, Geoff Childs, Andrew Fischer, and Daniel Winkler and released in December, 2008 (Bill McGrath 2009-03-31).

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Table of Contents: 

<b>Articles:</b> "Demographics, Development, and the Environment in Tibetan Areas" / Kenneth Bauer and Geoff Childs -- "Tibetan Fertility Transitions: Comparisons with Europe, China, and India" / Geoff Childs -- "Conflict between Nomadic Herders and Brown Bears in the Byang thang Region of Tibet" / Dawa Tsering and John D. Farrington -- "Subsistence and Rural Livelihood Strategies in Tibet under Rapid Economic and Social Transition" / Andrew M. Fischer  -- "Biodiversity Conservation and Pastoralism on the Northwest Tibetan Plateau (Byang thang): Coexistence or Conflict?" / Joseph L. Fox, Ciren Yangzong, Kelsang Dhondup, Tsechoe Dorji, and Camille Richard -- "Nomads without Pastures" / Andreas Gruschke -- "Political Space and Socio-economic Organization in the Lower Spiti Valley (Early Nineteenth to Late Twentieth Century)" / Christian Jahoda -- "South Indian Tibetans: Development Dynamics in the Early Stages of the Tibetan Refugee Settlement Lugs zung bsam grub gling, Bylakuppe" / Jan Magnusson, Subramanya Nagarajarao, Geoff Childs, and Thinley Dorje -- "Temporary Migrants in Lha sa in 2005" / Ma Rong and Tanzen Lhundup -- "Exclusiveness and Openness: A Study of Matrimonial Strategies in the Dga' ldan pho brang Aristocracy (1880-1959)" / Alice Travers -- "The Mushrooming Fungi Market in Tibet Exemplified by Cordyceps sinensis and Tricholoma matsutake" / Daniel Winkler -- "Interpreting Urbanization in Tibet: Administrative Scales and Discourses of Modernization" / Emily T. Yeh and Mark Henderson<b>Text Translation, Critical Edition, and Analysis:</b> "The Sweet Sage and The Four Yogas: A Lost Mahāyoga Treatise from Dunhuang" / Sam van Schaik<b>Notes from the Field:</b> "Population, Pasture Pressure, and School Education: Case Studies from Nag chu, TAR, PRC" / Beimatso<b>Book Reviews:</b> "Review of <i>A History of Modern Tibet</i>, Volume 2: <i>The Calm before the Storm, 1951-55</i>, by Melvyn C. Goldstein" / Matthew Akester -- "Review of <i>Rulers on the Celestial Plain: Ecclesiastic and Secular Hegemony in Medieval Tibet. A Study of Tshal Gung-thang</i>, by Per K. Sørensen et al." / Bryan J. Cuevas