This is the fourth issue of the Journal of the Tibet Society, published in 1984. Edited by Christopher I. Beckwith, the issue features articles by Michael M. Broido and Samuel M. Grupper, as well as book reviews. (Ben Deitle 2005-12-16)
<a href="" target="_blank">Padma Dkar-po on Tantra as Ground, Path and Goal</a> / Michael M. Broido -- <a href="" target="_blank">Manchu Patronage and Tibetan Buddhism During the First Half of the Ch'ing Dynasty</a> / Samuel M. Grupper -- <a href="" target="_blank">Review of A. David-Neel, <i>Magic and Mystery in Tibet</i></a> / Braham Norwick -- <a href="" target="_blank">Review of Karmapa VIII Mi-bskyod-rdo-rje, et al., ed., <i>The Rain of Wisdom</i></a> / Matthew Kapstein -- <a href="" target="_blank">Review of A. W. Macdonald, ed., <i>Les Royaumes de l'Himalaya</i></a> / Graham E. Clarke -- <a href="" target="_blank">Review of Tsang Nyön Heruka, <i>The Life of Marpa the Translator</i></a> / Dan Martin -- <a href="" target="_blank">Review of Windisch-Graetz, Stephanie, <i>Himalayan Kingdoms</i></a> / David Ebbinghouse.