Novel Fabrication of PAA/PVA/Yeast Superabsorbent with Interpenetrating Polymer Network for pH-Dependent Selective Adsorption of Dyes
J Polym Environ Journal of Polymers and the Environment : formerly: `Journal of Environmental Polymer Degradation'
Journal Article
Publication Date:
Nov 30, 2017
567 - 588
Sources ID:
Himalayan and Tibetan Medicine
Public (group default)
Traditional superabsorbent polymers have wide application potential as an adsorbent, but the poor physical and mechanical properties limit their further applications. To tentatively overcome this dilemma, a novel poly(acrylic acid)/poly(vinyl alcohol)/yeast superabsorbent polymers (PAA/PVA/yeast SAPs) with interpenetrating polymer networks (IPNs) were fabricated herein via solution polymerization. The mechanical stability tests showed that the resulting products could desirably resist the destruction of shear flow (<5000 rpm) and load pressure (<3 kg). The effects of yeast content, pH, contact time, initial dye concentration and temperature were systematically studied to evaluate their adsorption properties. Consecutive five cycles of adsorption-desorption indicated that their easy regeneration and reusability. More importantly, the PVA/PAA/yeast SAPs displayed brilliant pH-dependent selective adsorption for dyes in dye mixtures. It is believed hereby that the PAA/PVA/yeast SAPs can be expected to be economically and technically feasible for the scalable treatment of dyes wastewater.