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A qualitative analysis of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) in Parkinson's disease
Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice
Format: Journal Article
Publication Date: 2010/06//
Pages: 179 - 192
Sources ID: 66866
Visibility: Public (group default)
Abstract: (Show)
Objectives. To analyse the experiences of participants with Parkinson's disease (PD), who participated in an 8‐week mindfulness‐based cognitive therapy (MBCT) course.Design and method. Interpretative phenomenological analysis guided the design and method used in this study. A total of twelve participants (seven men and five women) with PD were recruited prior to and following participation in an MBCT course and interviewed with a semi‐structured interview schedule. One participant who opted out of the course was also interviewed. The researcher also participated in another MBCT course to enhance their understanding of the participants' experience, keeping a detailed diary as a means of acknowledging bias in the analysis process. Themes were summarized from transcripts and later classified into superordinate themes, which were compared across all cases. Transcripts were also read and analysed by a second author and participants were given the opportunity to comment upon emerging themes. Results. Major themes included (1) changing patterns of coping; (2) the role of mindfulness in consolidating existing coping skills in the context of loss; (3) group support in the context of loss and society that stigmatizes difference; and (4) the dualism of experience between Parkinson's and mindful meditation. Conclusions. This study has indicated that MBCT could benefit people with PD and was an acceptable form of group intervention.