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Resource Management in the Arid Himalaya: Problems and Prospective Solutions
Contributions to Nepalese Studies
Format: Journal Article
Publication Date: 1985-08
Publisher: Center for Nepal and Asian Studies
Place of Publication: Kirtipur, Nepal
Pages: 107-136
Sources ID: 128054
Visibility: Public (group default)
Abstract: (Show)

The article discusses problems and prospective solutions with regard to resource management in the arid Himalaya. The article is based upon data collected in Jomsom between March and July, 1982, using an anemometer supplied by the engineering division of Balaju yantra shala. The article begins with the geographical description of the location, Mustang, and includes a sketched map. It also discusses the Baragaon and the Muktinath valleys. It discusses the natural resources and their use by the inhabitants. The author writes that there appeared to be a general awareness of and concern for the problem of future energy sources in Muktinath. The article also examines the external and internal factors which are creating added demands on a forest with an unusually slow regenerative capacity. The article discusses the current ongoing developmental projects in the study area. It includes 2 maps and 4 leaves of plates. (Rajeev Ranjan Singh 2007-02-01)

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Contributions to Nepalese Studies