A study of mindfulness practices and cognitive therapy: Effects on depression and self-efficacy
International Journal of Psychology and Counselling
Journal Article
Publication Date:
Nov 30, 2011
115 - 122
Sources ID:
Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Depression
Public (group default)
Despite research findings that Cognitive Therapy (CT) reduces relapse of depression, patients often dohave setbacks. Recently, CT researchers have integrated the Eastern meditative practice of
mindfulness into cognitive approach. This study was a variation on research on Mindfulness Based
Cognitive Therapy (the incorporation of mindfulness and CT) and relapse prevention from depression.
Three tracks of participants, mindfulness training (MT), CT and treatment as usual (TAU) were studied
to examine relapse rates from depression and the participants’ sense of self-efficacy. The MT and CT
tracks were added on to a regular outpatient treatment program. Three measures were used: the Beck
Depression Inventory, the Mindfulness-Based Self Efficacy Scale and the Generalized Self-Efficacy
Scale. Participants were assessed during an initial (pretest, baseline) period and again at a 3-month
follow-up. Results reveal a significant decrease in depression and an increase in mindful and
generalized self-efficacy in the MT track (N = 33). The results also showed a significant decrease in
depression and mindfulness self-efficacy for the CT track (N = 27), but no significant change in
generalized self-efficacy. The TAU track (N = 30) revealed no significant changes in any of the three
measures. These trends show promise for relapse prevention of depression and improved sense of
self-management through both therapeutic methodologies of mindfulness and cognitive therapy.