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At what cost? Examining the cost effectiveness of a universal social-emotional learning program
School Psychology Quarterly: The Official Journal of the Division of School Psychology, American Psychological Association
Short Title: Sch Psychol QAt what cost?
Format: Journal Article
Publication Date: 2018//03/
Pages: 147 - 154
Sources ID: 89466
Notes: Accession Number: EJ1175455; Sponsoring Agency: National Center for Education Research (ED); Acquisition Information: American Psychological Association. Journals Department, 750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002. Tel: 800-374-2721; Tel: 202-336-5510; Fax: 202-336-5502; e-mail:; Web site:; Language: English; Education Level: Grade 1; Reference Count: 27; Journal Code: MAY2018; Contract Number: R305A090438; R305B090007; Level of Availability: Not available from ERIC; Publication Type: Academic Journal; Publication Type: Report; Entry Date: 2018
Visibility: Public (group default)
Abstract: (Show)
Although implementation of universal social-emotional learning programs is becoming more common in schools, few studies have examined the cost-effectiveness of such programs. As such, the purpose of this article is two fold. First, we provide an overview of cost-effectiveness methods for school-based programs, and second, we share results of a cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) of a universal social-emotional learning (SEL) program, the Social Skills Improvement System-Classwide Intervention Program (SSIS-CIP; Elliott & Gresham, 2007). Specifically, we compared the cost-effectiveness of SSIS-CIP implementation across first- and second-grade classrooms, and results indicated that second grade is the more cost-effective option for implementing the SSIS-CIP. Several considerations are discussed regarding cost-effectiveness analysis of universal SEL programs as well as the importance of using CEA results to inform programming decisions. (PsycINFO Database Record