The Yoga Adventure for Children Playing, Dancing, Moving, Breathing, Relaxing.
Publication Date:
Nov 30, 2007
Paw Prints
Sources ID:
Yoga for Kids and Young Adults
Public (group default)
The Yoga Adventure for Children is a ready-to-use resource for elementary school teachers and yoga teachers who wish to create children's classes or add sessions between lessons, during a gym class or after school. Ideal for stretches and warm-ups, yoga is also useful for P.E., dance and drama classes and camp activities. Parents, too, can share this book with their child at home. Practicing yoga together offers parents and children an opportunity to interact, play and have fun together. Yoga play encourages and develops: coordination, emotional calm, physical strength, awareness, flexibility, self-confidence. Short yoga breaks allow children to take a few moments to breathe, relax or stretch, leaving them calmer, refreshed and ready to go on with their day.%=520 8\$aWhat is a yoga adventure? Kids discovering connections between their bodies, thoughts and feelings. This book contains 82 exercises and games, many of them inspired by animals, that stimulate suppleness and strength. Most of the exercises are accompanied by drawings, and they are organized into sections, which include: Warm-Up Exercises, Yoga Postures, Breathing Exercises, Concentration and Meditation, Visualization Exercises, Wake-Up Exercises. The book also includes child-friendly stories that can help children understand yoga concepts such as karma, the elements and energy centers (chakras) without too much detail. Younger children enjoy the physical and energetic aspects of the activities, while older children may also develop new self-awareness. For some it can bring up questions about life and behavior, which can be further addressed by parents or teachers.