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The Duke Encyclopedia of New Medicine: Conventional and Alternative Medicine for all Ages
Short Title: The Duke encyclopedia of new medicine
Format: Book
Publication Date: Nov 30, 2005
Publisher: Rodale
Place of Publication: London ; New York
Pages: 640
Sources ID: 41131
Notes: External Resources: Cite This Item Advanced options ...Contents: About DCIM -- Credits -- Foreword -- Introduction -- pt. 1. Catalog of health conditions -- 1. Eyes -- Conjunctivitis -- Blepharitis -- Stye -- Dry eye -- Cataracts -- Focus on : vision problems -- Macular degeneration -- Glaucoma -- Uveitis -- Retinitis pigmentosa -- Ocular cancers -- 2. Ears, nose & throat -- Hay fever -- Focus on : ear infections -- Seous otitis media -- Pharyngitis -- Sinusitis -- Tonsillitis -- Snoring -- Croup -- Epiglottitis -- Hearing loss -- Laryngitis -- Nosebleeds -- Deviated Septum -- Focus on : tinnitus -- Throat cancer -- Sinus cancer -- Nasal polyps -- Vocal cord nodules & polyps -- 3. Mouth & teeth -- Gingivitis & periodonditis -- Focus on : mouth ulcers & cold sores -- TMJ -- Cavities -- Dry mouth -- Halitosis -- Teeth grinding & clenching -- Oral cancers. 4. Skin, hair & nails -- Bacterial skin infections -- Bites & stings -- Cuts, scratches & blisters -- Acne & rosacea -- Dermatitis -- Fungal skin infections -- Urticaria -- Focus on : heat injuries & sunburn -- Burns -- Dry skin -- Calluses & corns -- Dandruff -- Frostbite -- Fungal nail infections -- Alopecia -- Scabies & lice -- Bedsores -- Psoriasis -- Melanoma -- Focus on : viral skin infections -- Folliculitis -- Skin cancer & premalignant lesions -- 5. Bones, joints & muscles -- Back pain -- Muscle sprains, strains & pain -- Focus on : arthritis -- Tendonitis & bursitis -- Muscle cramps -- Bone fractures -- Focus on : fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome & chronic pain -- Osteoporosis -- Scoliosis -- Gout -- Heel spurs -- Plantar fasciitis -- Whiplash injuries -- Shin splints -- Osteomyelitis -- Muscular dystrophy -- Bone cancer. 6. Brain & nervous system -- Dizziness -- Carpal tunnel syndrome -- Sciatica -- headaches -- Stroke -- Focus on : sleep disorders -- Tremors -- Concussion -- Shingles -- Epilepsy & seizures -- Focus on : memory impairments -- Meningitis -- Parkinson's disease -- Multiple sclerosis -- Peripheral nerve disorders -- Bell's palsy -- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease -- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis -- Trigeminal neuralgia -- Myasthenia gravis -- Huntington's disease -- Tourette's syndrome -- Brain tumors -- 7. Respiratory system -- COPD -- Pneumonia -- Pleurisy -- RSV -- Asthma -- Pulmonary embolism -- Tuberculosis -- Bronchiectasis -- Sleep apnea -- Focus on : smoking cessation -- Cystic fibrosis -- Pneumothorax -- Occupational lung disease -- Lung cancer -- 8. Heart & blood vessels -- Arrhythmias -- Aneurysm -- Focus on : coronary heart disease -- Congestive heart failure -- High & low blood pressure -- Venous disorders -- Raynaud's disease -- Edema -- Cardiomyopathy -- Valvular heart disease -- Pericarditis -- Focus on : omega-3 supplements -- Peripheral vascular disease -- Congential heart disease -- Endocarditis. 9. Digestive system -- Food allergies & intolerance -- Constipation -- GERD -- Focus on : inflammatory bowel disease -- Diarrhea -- Hepatitis -- Irritable bowel syndrome -- Gastroenteritis -- Hiatal hernia -- Nausea & vomiting -- Ulcer -- Gastritis -- Hemorrhoids -- Focus on : gallbladder disorders -- Cirrhosis -- Hemochromatosis -- Diverticulitis & diverticulosis -- Pancreatitis -- Celiac disease -- Digestive system cancers -- 10. Kidneys & urinary tract -- Urinary incontinence -- Hematuria -- Nephritis & nephrosis -- Focus on : kidney & urinary tract infections -- Kidney stones -- Kidney failure -- Polycystic kidney disease -- Kidney cancer -- 11. Blood & immune system -- Anemia -- Focus on : immunizations -- HIV/AIDS -- Fever -- Mononucleosis -- Bleeding disorders -- Candidiasis fungal infections -- Chronic fatigue syndrome -- Lupus -- Focus on : lyme & other tick-borne diseases -- Lymphoma -- Multiple myeloma -- Parasitic infections -- Polycythemia vera -- Scleroderma -- Spleen disorders -- Anaphylaxis -- Leukemia. 12. Hormonal disorders -- Diabetic disorders -- Adrenal gland disorders -- Thyroid disorders -- Focus on : obesity -- Parathyroid disorders -- Pituitary gland disorders -- 13. Psychiatric & emotional disorders -- Anxiety disorders -- Post-traumatic stress disorder -- Substance addiction -- Phobias -- Attention deficit disorder -- Focus on : depression -- Eating disorders -- Bipolar disorder -- Autism -- Focus on : eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) -- Schizophrenia -- Personality disorders -- Adjustment disorders -- Somatization disorders -- 14. Female reproductive system -- Benign breast disease -- Menstrual bleeding disorders -- Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) & PMDD -- Batholin's cyst -- Ovarian cyst -- Polycystic ovary disease -- Uterine fibroids -- Sexually transmitted diseases -- Vaginitis -- Infertility -- Focus on : pregnancy -- Chronic pelvic pain -- Endometriosis -- Hirsuitism -- Female sexual dysfunction -- Focus on : menopause -- Pelvic inflammatory disease -- Focus on : birth control -- Cancer. 15. Male reproductive system -- Prostate problems -- Infertility -- Epididymitis -- Peyronie's disease -- Focus on : sexually transmitted diseases -- Male sexual dysfunction -- Testicular torsion -- Varicocele -- Priapism -- Cancer -- pt. 2. Complementary & alternative therapies -- 16. Systems -- Osteopathy -- Functional medicine -- Naturopathy -- Traditional Chinese medicine -- Ayurveda -- Homeopathy -- Anthroposophic medicine -- Tibetan medicine -- 17. The body -- Acupuncture -- Chiropractic -- Massage -- Progressive muscle relaxation -- Yoga -- Craniosacral therapy -- Hydrotherapy -- Applied kinesiology -- Aston-Patterning -- Alexander technique -- Hellerwork -- Expressive arts therapy -- Feldenkrais method -- Myotherapy -- Naprapathy -- Neurocranial restructuring -- 18. The mind -- Biofeedback -- Hypnotherapy -- Sophrology -- Meditation -- Guided imagery -- Flotation therapy -- Neurolinguistic patterning -- Breath work -- Heart coherence. 19. The natural world -- Supplements, vitamins & minerals -- Enzyme replacement therapy -- Juice therapy -- Flower essences -- Orthomolecular medicine -- Aromatherapy -- Probiotics -- Botanicals therapy -- 20. Energy therapy -- Healing touch -- Aura-soma therapy -- Polarity therapy -- Bioacoustics therapy -- Bioenergetics -- Chakra balancing -- Light therapy -- Magnet therapy -- Reiki -- Radionics -- Sound therapy -- 21. Other approaches -- Chelation therapy -- Cell therapy -- Oxygen & ozone therapies -- Iridology -- Prolotherapy -- Colonics -- Biological decoding -- Nambudripad's allergy elimination techniques (NAET) -- Appendices -- Health & healing guidelines -- Glossary -- Resources -- Index -- Picture credits. Note(s): Includes bibliographical references (pages 612-613) and index. Class Descriptors: LC: R733; Dewey: 616.003; NLM: 2007 B-307; WB 13 Other Titles: Encyclopedia of new medicine; New medicine Responsibility: foreword by Tracy W. Gaudet. Vendor Info: Baker & Taylor Brodart Baker and Taylor YBP Library Services (BKTY BROD BTCP YANK) 39.95 $39.95 Status: active Entry: 20061130 Update: 20181204 Provider: OCLC
Visibility: Public (group default)
Abstract: (Show)
An encyclopedia of integrative medicine discusses the causes, prevention, diagnosis, and treatments of over two hundred health concerns, as well as the history and practice of almost one hundred alternative and complementary therapies.