<p><span style="font-size:16px"><span style="font-family:georgia,serif">The Dialogue on Mind and Wisdom (Sems dang ye shes kyi dri lan) is contained in the Miscellaneous Writings of Longchenpa. This edition of Miscellaneous Writings was reproduced from the xylographic prints from the Adzom Drukpa Chögar (A 'dzom 'brug pa chos sgar) blocks.</span></span></p>
<p>The Lamp That Encapsulates the Essence of Mind (Sems nyid bsdus pa'i sgron me) is contained in the Seminal Heart in Four Parts (Snying thig ya bzhi) which is a collection compiled and partly composed by Longchen Rapjam Drimé Özer (1308-1364). This collection of profound Dzokchen teachings consists of the (1) The Seminal Heart of the Ḍakiṇī (Mkha’ ‘gro snying thig), (2) The Seminal Quintessence of the Ḍakiṇī (Mkha’ ‘gro yang tig) (3) The Seminal Heart of Vimalamitra (Bi ma snying thig), (4) The Seminal Quintessence of the Spiritual Teacher (Bla ma yang tig), and (5) The Profound Seminal Quintessence (Zab mo yang tig). This edition was reproduced from the original xylograph belonging to the late Kathog Ontrul.</p>
<p>The Mirror on the Keypoints of the Profound Meaning: the Great Supporting Teaching of the Oral Transmission (snyan brgyud kyi rgyab chos chen mo zab don gnad kyi me long) is contained in the Seminal Heart in Four Parts (Snying thig ya bzhi) is a collection that was compiled and partly composed by Longchen Rapjam Drimé Özer (1308-1364). This collection of profound Dzokchen teachings consists of the (1) The Seminal Heart of the Ḍakiṇī (Mkha’ ‘gro snying thig), (2) The Seminal Quintessence of the Ḍakiṇī (Mkha’ ‘gro yang tig) (3) The Seminal Heart of Vimalamitra (Bi ma snying thig), (4) The Seminal Quintessence of the Spiritual Teacher (Bla ma yang tig), and (5) The Profound Seminal Quintessence (Zab mo yang tig). This edition was reproduced from the original xylograph belonging to the late Kathog Ontrul.</p>
<p>A Commentary on the Mirror that Clarifies the Essence (Snying po gsal ba'i me long zhes bya ba'i khrid) is contained in the Seminal Heart in Four Parts (Snying thig ya bzhi) which is a collection compiled and partly composed by Longchen Rapjam Drimé Özer (1308-1364). This collection of profound Dzokchen teachings consists of the (1) The Seminal Heart of the Ḍakiṇī (Mkha’ ‘gro snying thig), (2) The Seminal Quintessence of the Ḍakiṇī (Mkha’ ‘gro yang tig) (3) The Seminal Heart of Vimalamitra (Bi ma snying thig), (4) The Seminal Quintessence of the Spiritual Teacher (Bla ma yang tig), and (5) The Profound Seminal Quintessence (Zab mo yang tig). This edition was reproduced from the original xylograph belonging to the late Kathog Ontrul.</p>
<p>The Seminal Heart in Four Parts (Snying thig ya bzhi) is a collection that was compiled and partly composed by Longchen Rapjam Drimé Özer (1308-1364). This collection of profound Dzokchen teachings consists of the (1) The Seminal Heart of the Ḍakiṇī (Mkha’ ‘gro snying thig), (2) The Seminal Quintessence of the Ḍakiṇī (Mkha’ ‘gro yang tig), (3) The Seminal Heart of Vimalamitra (Bi ma snying thig), (4) The Seminal Quintessence of the Spiritual Teacher (Bla ma yang tig), and (5) The Profound Seminal Quintessence (Zab mo yang tig). This edition was reproduced from the original xylograph belonging to the late Kathog Ontrul.</p>
The Seminal Heart in Four Parts (Snying thig ya bzhi) is a collection that was compiled and partly composed by Longchen Rapjam Drimé Özer (1308-1364). This collection of profound Dzokchen teachings consists of the (1) The Seminal Heart of the Ḍakiṇī (Mkha’ ‘gro snying thig), (2) The Seminal Quintessence of the Ḍakiṇī (Mkha’ ‘gro yang tig), (3) The Seminal Heart of Vimalamitra (Bi ma snying thig), (4) The Seminal Quintessence of the Spiritual Teacher (Bla ma yang tig), and (5) The Profound Seminal Quintessence (Zab mo yang tig). This edition was reproduced from the original xylograph belonging to the late Kathog Ontrul.
<p>The Seminal Heart in Four Parts (Snying thig ya bzhi) is a collection that was compiled and partly composed by Longchen Rapjam Drimé Özer (1308-1364). This collection of profound Dzokchen teachings consists of the (1) The Seminal Heart of the Ḍakiṇī (Mkha’ ‘gro snying thig), (2) The Seminal Quintessence of the Ḍakiṇī (Mkha’ ‘gro yang tig) (3) The Seminal Heart of Vimalamitra (Bi ma snying thig), (4) The Seminal Quintessence of the Spiritual Teacher (Bla ma yang tig), and (5) The Profound Seminal Quintessence (Zab mo yang tig). This edition was reproduced from the original xylograph belonging to the late Kathog Ontrul.</p>
<p>The Wishfulfilling Treasury (Yid bzhin mdzod) is one of the Seven Treasuries of Longchenpa (1308 - 1364).</p>
<p>This is Longchenpa's (1308 - 1364) commentary on his Wishfulfilling Treasury (Yid bzhin mdzod), one of the Seven Treasuries of Longchenpa.</p>
The Treasury of Supreme Vehicle (Theg mchog mdzod) is one of the seven great philosophical masterpieces of the famed Nyingma philosopher, Longchenpa Drimé Özer (1308-1363).
The Treasury of Supreme Vehicle (Theg mchog mdzod) is one of the seven great philosophical masterpieces of the famed Nyingma philosopher, Longchenpa Drimé Özer (1308-1363). This edition from Dégé (Sde dge) is contained in Longchenpa’s Collected Works.
<p><span style="font-size:16px"><span style="font-family:georgia,serif">The Flower Ornament: A Poetic Treatise (Tshig su bcad pa'i bstan bcos me tog gi rgyan) is contained in the Miscellaneous Writings of Longchenpa. This edition of Miscellaneous Writings was reproduced from the xylographic prints from the Dégé (Sde dge) blocks at the order of Dilgo Khyentsé Rinpoché.</span></span><br />
<p>The Treasury of Words and Meanings (Yid bzhin mdzod) is one of the Seven Treasuries of Longchenpa (1308 - 1364).</p>
The Treasury of Words and Meanings (Tshig don mdzod) is one of the seven great philosophical masterpieces of the famed Nyingma philosopher, Longchenpa Drimé Özer (1308-1363)
<p>The Seminal Heart in Four Parts (Snying thig ya bzhi) is a collection that was compiled and partly composed by Longchen Rapjam Drimé Özer (1308-1364). This collection of profound Dzokchen teachings consists of the (1) The Seminal Heart of the Ḍakiṇī (Mkha’ ‘gro snying thig), (2) The Seminal Quintessence of the Ḍakiṇī (Mkha’ ‘gro yang tig) (3) The Seminal Heart of Vimalamitra (Bi ma snying thig), (4) The Seminal Quintessence of the Spiritual Teacher (Bla ma yang tig), and (5) The Profound Seminal Quintessence (Zab mo yang tig). This edition was reproduced from the original xylograph belonging to the late Kathog Ontrul.</p>
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