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The time-honored national bestseller, updated with a new afterword, celebrating 10 years of influencing the way we live.When Wherever You Go, There You Are was first published in 1994, no one could have predicted that the book would launch itself onto bestseller lists nationwide and sell over 750,000 copies to date. Ten years later, the book continues to change lives. In honor of the book's 10th anniversary, Hyperion is proud to be releasing the book with a new afterword by the author, and to share this wonderful book with an even larger audience.

Stop Trying to get somewhere. Be where you are already. Think the grass is always greener somewhere else or life is better in someone else's shoes? If so, life will constantly disappoint you. True contentment comes from within- and you can uncover the spiritual treasure buried within you through meditation. Blending Western thought and Eastern practice, Wherever you go, there you are is the book that introduced meditation to America. Now you too can learn the simple practice of breathing and focus to keep yourself in the present. You'll discover how to let stress wash over you rather than try to shut it out. You'll find strength where you least expect it and even take charge of your health by adjusting your perspective. Join the nearly one million Americans whose lives have been changed by this book and the empowering practice of meditation.

The time-honored national bestseller, updated with a new afterword, celebrating 10 years of influencing the way we live.When Wherever You Go, There You Are was first published in 1994, no one could have predicted that the book would launch itself onto bestseller lists nationwide and sell over 750,000 copies to date. Ten years later, the book continues to change lives. In honor of the book's 10th anniversary, Hyperion is proud to be releasing the book with a new afterword by the author, and to share this wonderful book with an even larger audience.

Stop Trying to get somewhere. Be where you are already. Think the grass is always greener somewhere else or life is better in someone else's shoes? If so, life will constantly disappoint you. True contentment comes from within- and you can uncover the spiritual treasure buried within you through meditation. Blending Western thought and Eastern practice, Wherever you go, there you are is the book that introduced meditation to America. Now you too can learn the simple practice of breathing and focus to keep yourself in the present. You'll discover how to let stress wash over you rather than try to shut it out. You'll find strength where you least expect it and even take charge of your health by adjusting your perspective. Join the nearly one million Americans whose lives have been changed by this book and the empowering practice of meditation.

Unsere Gesundheit und unser Wohlergehen stehen auf dem Spiel, wenn es uns nicht gelingt, in dieser aus den Fugen geratenen Welt wieder zur Besinnung zu kommen, als Individuen und als menschliche Gemeinschaft. Dies ist die zentrale These des bekannten Verhaltensmediziners und Meditationslehrers Prof. Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, dessen Programm der „Stressbewältigung durch die Praxis der Achtsamkeit“ (MBSR) weltweit in immer mehr Universitätskliniken, Krankenhäusern, Gesundheitszentren, aber auch in wirtschaftlichen und politischen Institutionen erfolgreich praktiziert wird.Wir haben weitgehend den Kontakt verloren zur wahren Wirklichkeit dessen, was wir in unserer Tiefe und in allen unseren Möglichkeiten sind; ebenso zu unserem Körper und zu den „Körperschaften“ unserer gesellschaftlichen und politischen Institutionen. Diese Entfremdung von dem, was wirklich ist, macht uns und unsere Gesellschaft auf die Dauer krank. Das Tor, durch das wir erneuten Zugang zu unserem inneren Potential, zu unserem Körper, unseren Gefühlen, unseren Mitmenschen und unseren Organisationen gewinnen können, ist das unserer Sinne – und zu denen zählt der Autor aus buddhistischer Sicht auch den denkenden Geist. Der Königsweg zu dieser Belebung der Weisheit der Sinne ist die Achtsamkeit. Ihre heilsame Kraft ist in der buddhistischen Meditationspraxis seit zweieinhalb Jahrtausenden erforscht, erprobt und angewendet worden. Dieses Buch zeigt, wie wir mit Hilfe dieser Praxis wieder zur Besinnung kommen und mit allen Sinnen zu einem gesunden und erfüllten Leben in der Gemeinschaft finden können.


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