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This book presents important discourses that deal with the Healing Buddha in his various manifestations and discusses the many symbols, colors, and deities that are used as objects of meditation. The accompanying photographs of sculptures, paintings, and mandalas demonstrate the importance of art and aesthetic experience in Buddhist healing practices. Also included is a history of healing in the development of Buddhism from the earliest texts and the famous Lotus Sutra to the Buddhism of Tibet, where elaborate ritual is used in the healing of body and mind. Some of the many herbs and medicines used to treat disease in the Buddhist cultures of Asia are described in an appendix. A new preface and a new essay on the search for long life in Chinese Buddhism have been added to this revised edition.

Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer death worldwide. Surgical removal remains the best option for most tumors of this type. Reduction of cigarette consumption in patients with lung cancer candidates for the surgery could limit the impact of tobacco on postsurgical outcomes. Breathing exercises appear to help combat cigarette cravings. Yoga exercise benefits have been studied in lung cancer survivors, rather than in the preoperative setting. In this study, we have recruited 32 active smokers affected by lung cancer and being candidates for pulmonary surgery. The patients were randomly assigned to two groups: one treated by standard breathing and the other treated by yoga breathing (YB). The groups were evaluated at times T0 (baseline) and T1 (after 7 days of treatment) to compare the effects of the two breathing treatments on pulmonary performance in a presurgery setting. Pulmonary and cardiocirculatory functions have been tested using a self-calibrating computerized spirometer and a portable pulse oximetry device. The findings demonstrate appreciable short-term improvement in lung function assessed by spirometry. We conclude that yoga breathing can be a beneficial preoperative support for thoracic surgery.