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The New York Times provides a list of meditation apps that have recently gained popularity. Instead of viewing smartphones as distractions, Kit Eaton invites the viewer to contemplate whether smartphone-based meditation can be an effective way to cultivate mindfulness. Viewers are able to gain insight into the different options that are available in choosing an appropriate application.
Are you tuned in to the emotions of others? Or have you been accused of being insensitive?If you are among those people who are mystified by moods, new research offers hope. A new study shows that certain types of reading can actually help us improve our sensitivity IQ. To find out how well you read the emotions of others, one can take the Well quiz, which is based on an assessment tool developed by University of Cambridge professor Simon Baron-Cohen.
For each photo, the user chooses the word that best describes what you think the person depicted is thinking or feeling.
In this video, researchers examine if nonhuman primates have the ability to identify mental states of others, an ability that was previously thought to uniquely human. By closely following the chimpanzee’s visual attention, findings illustrate that the chimpanzee did have the ability to predict human action through passing the false belief task.