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<p>Mindfulness training helps students and staff learn to accept and tolerate distress, and to work through distress to resume effective functioning. Practicing mindfulness frequently, even for short intervals, results in positive health benefits and neurobiologic changes in reactivity to stress. Mindfulness programs in schools have shown benefits in cognitive performance and resilience to stress. Several mindfulness/yoga programs have been developed for elementary, middle, and high school students, and can be adapted to new settings. Mindfulness and yoga can be implemented into schools most effectively by being sensitive to the developmental stages and needs of students.</p>

<p>Developmentally sensitive efforts to help students learn, practice, and regularly use mindfulness tactics easily and readily in and beyond the classroom are important to help them manage future stresses. Mindfulness emphasizes consciously focusing the mind in the present moment, purposefully, without judgment or attachment. Meditation extends this to setting aside time and places to practice mindfulness, and additionally, yoga includes physical postures and breathing techniques that enhance mindfulness and meditation. Several mindfulness programs and techniques have been applied in schools, with positive benefits reported. Some elements of these programs require modifications to be sensitive to the developmental state of the children receiving mindfulness training.</p>

Depression and dementia are major public health problems in the UK. Depression in early-stage dementia is very common and significantly reduces quality of life, speeds cognitive decline and increases functional impairment. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is an effective depression prevention programme, and the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) has suggested that MBCT is a priority for implementation. Alongside this, there is emerging evidence demonstrating promising results in relation to the benefits of adapted mindfulness interventions for people with dementia, suggesting that it could be beneficial in reducing depressive symptoms and in slowing deterioration in cognitive functions such as sustained attention, distraction inhibition and task switching.

Depression and dementia are major public health problems in the UK. Depression in early-stage dementia is very common and significantly reduces quality of life, speeds cognitive decline and increases functional impairment. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is an effective depression prevention programme, and the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) has suggested that MBCT is a priority for implementation. Alongside this, there is emerging evidence demonstrating promising results in relation to the benefits of adapted mindfulness interventions for people with dementia, suggesting that it could be beneficial in reducing depressive symptoms and in slowing deterioration in cognitive functions such as sustained attention, distraction inhibition and task switching.

Depression and dementia are major public health problems in the UK. Depression in early-stage dementia is very common and significantly reduces quality of life, speeds cognitive decline and increases functional impairment. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is an effective depression prevention programme, and the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) has suggested that MBCT is a priority for implementation. Alongside this, there is emerging evidence demonstrating promising results in relation to the benefits of adapted mindfulness interventions for people with dementia, suggesting that it could be beneficial in reducing depressive symptoms and in slowing deterioration in cognitive functions such as sustained attention, distraction inhibition and task switching.

Lesion and neuroimaging studies suggest the amygdala is important in the perception and production of negative emotion; however, the effects of emotion regulation on the amygdalar response to negative stimuli remain unknown. Using event-related fMRI, we tested the hypothesis that voluntary modulation of negative emotion is associated with changes in neural activity within the amygdala. Negative and neutral pictures were presented with instructions to either "maintain" the emotional response or "passively view" the picture without regulating the emotion. Each picture presentation was followed by a delay, after which subjects indicated how they currently felt via a response keypad. Consistent with previous reports, greater signal change was observed in the amygdala during the presentation of negative compared to neutral pictures. No significant effect of instruction was found during the picture presentation component of the trial. However, a prolonged increase in signal change was observed in the amygdala when subjects maintained the negative emotional response during the delay following negative picture offset. This increase in amygdalar signal due to the active maintenance of negative emotion was significantly correlated with subjects' self-reported dispositional levels of negative affect. These results suggest that consciously evoked cognitive mechanisms that alter the emotional response of the subject operate, at least in part, by altering the degree of neural activity within the amygdala.
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We investigate the hypothesis that those subregions of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) found to support proactive interference resolution may also support delay-spanning distractor interference resolution. Ten subjects performed delayed-recognition tasks requiring working memory for faces or shoes during functional MRI scanning. During the 15-sec delay interval, task-irrelevant distractors were presented. These distractors were either all faces or all shoes and were thus either congruent or incongruent with the domain of items in the working memory task. Delayed-recognition performance was slower and less accurate during congruent than during incongruent trials. Our fMRI analyses revealed significant delay interval activity for face and shoe working memory tasks within both dorsal and ventral PFC. However, only ventral PFC activity was modulated by distractor category, with greater activity for congruent than for incongruent trials. Importantly, this congruency effect was only present for correct trials. In addition to PFC, activity within the fusiform face area was investigated. During face distraction, activity was greater for face relative to shoe working memory. As in ventrolateral PFC, this congruency effect was only present for correct trials. These results suggest that the ventrolateral PFC and fusiform face area may work together to support delay-spanning interference resolution.
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