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<p>A short addendum that contains Tibetan text that was accidently omitted from Alex Wayman's article "A Problem of 'Synonyms' in the Tibetan Language: <em>Bsgom Pa</em> and <em>Goms Pa</em>" published in volume 7 (1987) of <em>The Jounal of the Tibet Society</em>. (Ben Deitle 2005-11-01)</p>
<p>Data on tantric medicine rituals among Tibetan Buddhists as a healing practice through elimination of lust, hatred, and delusion. (Mark Turin 2004-05-03)</p>
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<p>This brief communication examines the Tibetan word <em>phur bu</em>, or <em>phur pa</em>, usually a name for a ritual dagger and often used to translate the Sanskrit term <em>kīla</em>. (Ben Deitle 2005-11-01)</p>
<p>In this article, Wayman compares two Tibetan words, <em>bsgom pa</em> and <em>goms pa</em>. While the two terms have similar meanings in some contexts, they are not always interchangeable. Wayman looks at the uses of the two terms in translating Sanskrit works into Tibetan as well as consulting several Tibetan dictionaries. (Ben Deitle 2006-02-02)</p>
<p>This article is a respone by Alex Wayman to Jeffrey Hopkin's piece 'Reply to Alex Wayman's Review of The Yoga of Tibet' printed in volume 5 of The Journal of the Tibet Society. The original review of Hopkins by Wayman, 'Review of J. Hopkins, The Yoga of Tibet,' appeared in volume 3. (Ben Deitle 2005-12-16)</p>
<p>A short review of Herbert V. Guenther, <em>Buddhist Philosophy in Theory and Practice</em>.</p>
<p>A review by Alex Wayman of J. Hopkins, <em>The Yoga of Tibet. The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra – 2 and 3, by Tsong-ka-pa</em>.</p>
<p>A short review of Jeffrey Hopkins (trans., ed.), <em>Tantra in Tibet: The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra</em>.</p>
<p>This article looks at two chief negatives of logic in Tibetan philosophy, and discusses their contrasting usage in various examples of Tibetan literature. (Mark Premo-Hopkins 2004-07-13)</p>
<p>The abstract outlines some of the processes by which Wayman created a new translation of the <em>Litany of Names of Mañjuśrī (Mañjuśrīnāmasaṁgīti)</em>. This text is considered one of the most popular of all Tantric Buddhist texts. (Mark Premo-Hopkins 2004-03-21)</p>