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<p>This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology features articles by Gos Pema Gyaltsen ('gos padma rgyal mtshan), Saul Mullard, Rigzin Ngodup, Martin J. Boord, Mélanie Vandenhelsken, Rigzin Ngodup, and a book review by Françoise Pommaret. The issue was published in May of 2003. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-16)</p>
<p>This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology features articles by Franz-Karl Ehrhard, Alex McKay, Saul Mullard, and Jackie Hiltz. It was published in November of 2003. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-10)</p>
<p>This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology features articles by Katia Buffetrille, Françoise Pommaret-Imaeda, Brigitte Steinmann, and Sophie Bourdet-Sabatier. It was published in May of 2004. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-10)</p>
<p>This article is a study of the mountain deity of Kangchendzönga (<em>gangs chen mdzod lnga</em>) as an object of Buddhist veneration and also as a cult of a local mountain god. The study mainly focuses on these issues within the Lhopo village of Tingchim in Sikkim's North District. The author compares three types of ritual specialists within the village and describes rituals related to the mountain deity. (Ben Deitle 2006-02-17)</p>