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Karen McCallum is a special ed elementary teacher in Alberta, Canda. She has specialized in special education and behavior support programming. Today she tells a heartwarming but powerful story about how two puppets are helping transform the social emotional learning of elementary special needs kids.

The United States Government Accountability Office recently released a report confirming decades of anecdotal research saying, among other things, that Black male students who account for 15.5 percent of all public school kids, represented about 39 percent of students suspended from school. That is an overrepresentation of about 23 percentage points. This report also found that students with disabilities were disproportionately disciplined in public schools. To change this trend, some educators are looking to implement social-emotional learning (SEL) practices such as restorative justice—where students repair harm done with community service or discussions—and daily greetings, where teachers build relationships with students by addressing them each morning. But researchers following school districts who have implemented such practices, note that SEL practices hold “limited promise” for changing trends in school discipline because notions inherent in much of the pedagogy don’t consider power, privilege and cultural differences. To discuss his research on this topic, Edward Fergus, an assistant professor at Temple University, joined reporter Jenny Abamu on the EdSurge OnAir podcast.

Here’s why this is even more important than subjects like English and math.

We know that social-emotional learning (SEL) empowers students with abilities that directly impact not only their academic lives, but their success and happiness as adults.We live in a stressful world, and our nation’s children and young adults are coping with new and prevalent emotional realities we can’t ignore. Research indicates that when educators work to teach learners how to alleviate and manage stress, students become more likely to learn deeply, avoid negative behaviors and achieve successful outcomes with long-term effects. Social-emotional learning (SEL) practices are the focus of copious research studies and it’s a good thing they are because SEL is needed more than ever.

A cross between Eastern and Western forms of mindfulness, devotees say sophrology gives you an inner calm and sense of deep relaxation.

Presents a collection of studies on the anthropology and history of Tibetan medicine. This work provides fresh insights into both dynamic developments and historical continuities in medical knowledge and practice that have been manifest in a range of traditional and contemporary Tibetan societies.

This thesis examines Tibetan perspectives on the causation, management and treatment of mental illness (Tib.: sems nad) within a Tibetan exile community in Darjeeling, northeast India. Based on two six-month periods of ethnographic fieldwork conducted in 2011 and 2012, it examines common cultural understandings of mental illness and healing, and how these are reflected in health-seeking behaviour. To date, research on lay Tibetan perspectives of mental illness and their impact on health-seeking behaviour has been limited, especially in relation to the concept of smyo nad (‘madness’). Following on from work by Jacobson (2000, 2002, 2007) and Millard (2007), the thesis investigates lay Tibetan perceptions of the causation and treatment of various kinds of mental disorders through the use of indepth semi-structured interviews and participant observation, comparing and contrasting Tibetan approaches to those of biomedical psychology and psychiatry and their accompanying classification systems, the American Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and European International Classification of Disease (ICD). Four case studies of individuals labelled with different Tibetan and biomedical diagnoses related to mental health conditions are described in order to illustrate a number of key concepts in Tibetan approaches to mental illness and its healing. The research found that that a number of informants successfully combined different – sometimes opposing – explanatory frameworks and treatment approaches in response to an episode of mental illness. However, the thesis concludes that the Tibetan and biomedical categories remain difficult to correlate, due in part to their culturally-specific nature, based on significantly different underlying assumptions regarding individuals and their relationship to the environment.

___ During the past two decades, more and more scientists have studied mindfulness—a Buddhist-inspired collection of practices aimed at helping us to cultivate moment-to-moment awareness of ourselv…

Are you developing a contemplative curriculum or pedagogical approach for your classroom, or implementing a new or established program at your institution? Do you find yourself focusing more on what you are teaching, but less on why the change that you are implementing is important or how to evaluate your intended outcomes? This webinar is designed for anyone interested in discovering the 3 essential steps for developing, implementing and evaluating sustainable contemplative programs and pedagogical approaches in the classroom or educational community. We will explore simple tools that allow you to examine why your program or approach is necessary and important, what your program’s core components are, and how to evaluate your desired outcomes so that you can communicate the benefits of your work to students, colleagues, and your academic community.

Mindfulness in Education SMART in Education™ is an evidenced-based personal renewal program designed especially for faculty and staff working in ECE-12 settings    SMART™ supports participants in: Re-connecting to personal and professional meaning and purpose Finding balance and cultivating emotional intelligence Improving mental and physical health Research results show that participants who complete the …


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