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<p><strong>Creator's Description:</strong>The TLB project aims to make accessible on the Internet original Buddhist texts in Sanskrit with translations into Chinese, Tibetan, and English. The texts are structured in such a way that it is possible to explore them starting from any of the languages. This quadrilingual structure allows comparison of the various versions of the texts, and is thus helpful in comparative Buddhist and language studies. The layout is also useful to the learner of any two of the three Asian languages. The texts can be accessed in several ways: -sentence by sentence for continuous reading, -by searching the text records, being sentences, for words and phrases in any of the four languages Sanskrit, Chinese, Tibetan or English -as continuous texts in Sanskrit, Chinese, Tibetan and English, either one by one or more in synoptic format, with the default format of two parallel texts. -as images of original manuscript materials connected to the TLB texts (so far images of a Sanskrit Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā, a Sanskrit Sarvadharmāpravṛttinirdeśa, and a Tibetan Bodhicaryāvatāra manuscript are available). The texts available as of July 2010 are: -Abhidharmakosabhasya: first chapter (Chinese and English incomplete); -Bodhicaryavatara: complete; -Bodhisatvacaryanirdesa: complete; -Buddhacarita: complete; -Kasyapaparivarta: complete; -Mahavyutpatti: complete; -Manjusrivikriditasutra: complete; -Mulamadhyamakakarika: complete; -Ratnagotravibhaga: complete; -Ratnavali: complete; -Sarvadharmapravrttinirdesa: complete; -Suvarnavarnavadana: complete; -Tathagatagarbhasutra: complete; -Udanavarga: complete; -Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita: complete; -Vigrahavyavartanivrtti: complete; -Vimalakirtinirdesa: complete. Soon the Dhammpada, Aksayamatinirdesa and the Mahayanasutralamkara will be the first texts to be included, as well as the rest if the Abhidharmakosa. Many other texts are planned and in their initial phase of preparation. The full text format has been much improved, also so as to enable critical notes and realia notes, making the TLB a tool for the full publication of critical text editions. We are now also working on full multilingual Sanskrit-Tibetan-Chinese-English lexica for all the texts in The Thesaurus to improve the search facilities and for easy reference to lexical equivalents for these languages. Scholars and students are cordially invited to submit their work on Buddhist texts to be published on the site. The input routines can be learned by contacting Jens Braarvig ( or Fredrik Liland (</p>