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Global health diplomacy may be thought of as a political activity that meets the dual goals of improving health while maintaining and strengthening international relations. As diplomacy is frequently referred to as the art and practice of conducting negotiations, the term 'global health diplomacy' aims to capture the multi-level and multi-actor negotiation processes that shape the global policy environment for health. It bridges the commitment to development and the need to define collective action in an interdependent world. This emerging field draws on a broad range of disciplines including international relations, medical anthropology, political science, history, and public health. Therefore it is important to understand some of the historical and conceptual underpinnings of this emerging field. Academic rigor applied to global health diplomacy is a critical leaven in a chaotic global health environment. This paper presents a brief review of the issues that provide a possible focus for future training, research, and service in global health diplomacy. ..PAT.-Unpublished Manuscript